Created by Daniel on 3/28/2024 in #❓┊help
Email verification without login
Is there a way to get the email verification working without the user have to login?
3 replies
Created by Daniel on 3/5/2024 in #❓┊help
Add CSS class to action form
Is there a way to add an extra CSS class to a form of an action? I want to have some custom styling on the form based on the added extra class.
3 replies
Created by Daniel on 2/28/2024 in #❓┊help
Header actions are not refreshing properly
I have 2 header actions which are toggling each other (lock and unlock) and when clicking "unlock" the "lock" button appears and it's clickable but the "spinner" doesn't appear. Only after refreshing the page the "spinner" also works. It seems like the "wire:target" on the spinner element doesn't work after showing the button.
2 replies
Created by Daniel on 1/19/2024 in #❓┊help
Broadcasting after export completed
Is there a way to broadcast the notification to the user when export is done? Broadcasting is running already and want to have this in addition to the database notification but don't know where to implement it.
17 replies
Created by Daniel on 12/9/2023 in #❓┊help
Repeater items get duplicated after saving
I recently noticed a strange behavior: all of my Repeater fields are duplicating it's items when saving but the fields in duplicated rows are empty (and causing a validation error).
3 replies
Created by Daniel on 11/30/2023 in #❓┊help
Multiple panel logins
Is it possible to have multiple login pages and switch them base on some give conditions within the panel login()method? I want to have a second login form, which provides a passwordless login mechanism but only when a request param is matching. I already tried something like that:
->login(request()->has('passwordless') ? PasswordlessLogin::class : Login::class)
->login(request()->has('passwordless') ? PasswordlessLogin::class : Login::class)
But this seems not to work always. Any ideas?
2 replies
Created by Daniel on 11/8/2023 in #❓┊help
Avoid form submission on error
I managed having unique field values like described in this post: https://discord.com/channels/883083792112300104/1134208647052935198/1134211305763516517 But the form is still submitted. Is there a way to avoid form submission when there was an error in one of the Repeater fields?
5 replies
Created by Daniel on 10/19/2023 in #❓┊help
Page jumps after adding a `Repeater` item
As already mentioned here https://discord.com/channels/883083792112300104/883085278993068082/1068581791675453530 I also noticed a page jumps when adding a new item to a Repeater or when clicking checkboxes in a Repeater row. I can't find out what's causing the jump. Did anyone else notice this?
5 replies
Created by Daniel on 9/21/2023 in #❓┊help
Make single row not clickable
Is there a way to make only one specific row not clickable?
5 replies
Created by Daniel on 9/20/2023 in #❓┊help
Problem with CheckboxList and bulkToggleable
I do have a problem with a CheckboxList and bulkToggleable in combination with reactive()or lazy(). When trying to bulk toggle the first checkbox always gets unchecked. Without reactive()or lazy() everything works fine.
19 replies
Created by Daniel on 9/1/2023 in #❓┊help
Event when modal has benne opened?
Is there any event getting fired when a modal has been open? I do have to make some size calculations for a canvas width (in the modal) after it has been opened.
7 replies
Created by Daniel on 9/1/2023 in #❓┊help
Can't reorder table rows
When trying to reorder table rows in a RelationManager values in order_column DB do change but the rows are always jumping back to their initial position. I've activated reordering on the table like that:
Here's a short screen capture:
9 replies
Created by Daniel on 8/21/2023 in #❓┊help
How can I $emitTo from a Blade file?
When trying to use: wire:click="$emitTo('myComponent', 'myFunction')" on a button element in a Blade file nothing happens.
5 replies
Created by Daniel on 8/18/2023 in #❓┊help
Modal footer submit
I do have a modal in a view.blade.php file which contains a form and I want to have the submit button in the modal footer (and not within the modal content:
<x-filament::modal slideOver="true">

<x-slot name="trigger">
<x-filament::button type="button" x-on:click="isOpen = true">
Open modal

{{-- here are the form fields --}}

<x-slot name="footer">
<x-filament::button type="submit">

<x-filament::modal slideOver="true">

<x-slot name="trigger">
<x-filament::button type="button" x-on:click="isOpen = true">
Open modal

{{-- here are the form fields --}}

<x-slot name="footer">
<x-filament::button type="submit">

The submit button appears in the modal footer but I could not submit the form. Any ideas how to get submit in modal footer working?
4 replies
Created by Daniel on 7/27/2023 in #❓┊help
Unique validation rule in repeater
Has anybody already handles unique validation rule in combination with Repeater fields?
4 replies
Created by Daniel on 4/26/2023 in #❓┊help
Hide label for action
I'm trying to hide the label of an action and I see that there's a disableLabel method but it doesn't hide the label. When using ->label(false) on the action the label gets hidden but there's an PHPStan warning:
phpstan: Parameter #1 $label of method Filament\Support\Actions\BaseAction::label() expects Closure|Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Htmlable|string|null, false given.
phpstan: Parameter #1 $label of method Filament\Support\Actions\BaseAction::label() expects Closure|Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Htmlable|string|null, false given.
What is the correct way to hide the label of an action?
11 replies
Created by Daniel on 4/20/2023 in #❓┊help
Fill form data via emitted action
Is it possible to fill form data via an emitted action? I do have an action:
->action(function ($record) {
$this->emit('applySelection', $record);
->action(function ($record) {
$this->emit('applySelection', $record);
which should do the following:
public function applySelection($record): void
$formData = $this->form->getState();
public function applySelection($record): void
$formData = $this->form->getState();
but it seems like the form always get submitted instead of filling in the data in the corresponding fields.
11 replies
Created by Daniel on 4/20/2023 in #❓┊help
Access to repeater item from inside
In a repeater I do have a button inside each item (which should open a modal containing a list of models) and I want the button to get the current index of each row. How can I access the item from the button (which is a Livewire component)? I want to pass the current index (of each button) to the modal like this:
<button type="button" wire:click="$emit('openModal', 'app.livewire.list-recent-persons', {{ json_encode(['currentIndex' => $currentIndex]) }})">
Open modal
<button type="button" wire:click="$emit('openModal', 'app.livewire.list-recent-persons', {{ json_encode(['currentIndex' => $currentIndex]) }})">
Open modal
1 replies
Created by Daniel on 4/7/2023 in #❓┊help
Form state for fields with relationship
How can I get the submitted data for fields which have a relationship defined? When using $data = $this->form->getState(); in forms submit I only get the data of fields without relationships. I need the whole form data (in a frontend form) to "park" it in session and use it again after user has either logged in or registered.
45 replies
Created by Daniel on 3/31/2023 in #❓┊help
Change repeater items programmatically
Is it possible to change the number of Repeater programmatically, i. e. based on an entered value of another field?
4 replies