Best way to sort / change order data in a table?
I have a Livewire Filament Table with data and I would like to allow the user to change the order of the data (and update the
field in the database). Is there somethinb built-in with Filament that will help me with this? I would like the user to drag-and-drop the row to where they want it. Thanks in advance!5 replies
SelectFilter with relationship help...
I am using the standalone Table builder in my Laravel app. I would like to add a drop-down filter where all the options are listed and come from the database. Here is what I have so far:
However, in the UI, I'm not given a drop-down list to choose from - I have a Search box. How do I change this to a drop-down?
3 replies
How do I open a Filament Form in a Modal?
I just installed Filament Forms to my Larvel 11 project. I want to open a Filament form in a Modal when a user clicks on a link or button. Does filament provide this functionality? I see from the doc that WITHIN a filament form that a modal can be added...
3 replies
"Unresolvable dependency " on new Filamant Forms installation
Just installed Filament Forms 3.2 on top of my existing Laravel 11 / Livewire website.
After installation, when I try to access my existing home page I am getting the error:
Unresolvable dependency resolving [Parameter #0 [ <required> string $name ]] in class BladeUI\Icons\Components\Icon
and stacktrace is highlighting this line <x-icon class="text-gray-400" type="search" />
What would cause this problem?2 replies
How to visually manage hierarchies?
I will be building a hierachy of one-to-many relationships for Product->Team->Services. Is there an easy way to visually represent this? Further more, is there a way to use drag and drop to configure the relationships?
2 replies
Difference between using Livewire vs Resource for Filament Forms?
I have Laravel 11 and just installed Filament to use for my end-user facing website (not admin). I see examples that use both Livewire Component as well as "Resource". What is the difference? Pros/Cons?
8 replies
Getting started with Filament 3.3 - Need beginner help with FORMS
I have Laravel 11 and I just installed filament forms and actions but having issues getting the most basic form created and displayed.
Do I add my code to a normal Laravel controller? Do I make a livewire component? Please help me get started with a basic example.
53 replies