Explore posts from serversUBUniversal Blue
•Created by Qvest on 1/13/2025 in #🛟bazzite-help
custom shortcuts reset in reboot
So weird... gonna test it again and see if this persists, been a while since I used ublue, thanks for your time
13 replies
UBUniversal Blue
•Created by Qvest on 1/13/2025 in #🛟bazzite-help
custom shortcuts reset in reboot
Weird, so you're saying the system as it is shouldn't reset any shortcuts on reboot?
13 replies
UBUniversal Blue
•Created by Qvest on 1/13/2025 in #🛟bazzite-help
custom shortcuts reset in reboot
Does bazzite have any systemd services that might cause this then? Does dconf do anything in KDE or is it just GNOME? There is a dconf-update.service that seems to execute on boot, maybe that's it?
13 replies
UBUniversal Blue
•Created by Qvest on 1/13/2025 in #🛟bazzite-help
custom shortcuts reset in reboot
Sorry for late reply, but I took a look at the script and it seems it should not execute more than once? It has these lines at the end:
# Prevent future executions
echo "Writing state file"
Does this amount to anything or should I try to fiddle with the script? I'm afraid of breaking things
Script file: https://github.com/ublue-os/bazzite/blob/main/system_files/desktop/shared/usr/libexec/bazzite-user-setup13 replies
•Created by Qvest on 1/13/2025 in #questions
custom shortcuts reset in reboot
I will, thanks. By the way, the flatpak shortcuts I talk about are set in KDE's settings, same as others. I click the Add Shortcut button and the shortcuts added from there also gets reset
12 replies
•Created by Qvest on 12/3/2024 in #questions
error: Could not depsolve transaction; 1 problem detected
I see, thanks. Gonna wait a few days to see if it solves itself then
8 replies
•Created by Qvest on 9/8/2024 in #questions
Run Failed: unable to parse image ghcr.io/MrQvest/my-ublue invalid reference format
Damn, I didn't expect replies this quick! Thanks for the help
8 replies
UBUniversal Blue
•Created by Qvest on 2/6/2024 in #🛟bazzite-help
Trying to build a custom image from startingpoint using bazzite-gnome-nvidia
Any ideas?
7 replies
UBUniversal Blue
•Created by Qvest on 2/6/2024 in #🛟bazzite-help
Trying to build a custom image from startingpoint using bazzite-gnome-nvidia
When trying to build
with no customizations, the build also fails, with this error:
writing blob: initiating layer upload to /v2/mrqvest/my-ublue/blobs/uploads/ in ghcr.io: denied: permission_denied: write_package
time="2024-02-06T18:51:11Z" level=error msg="exit status 125"
[2024-02-06T18:51:11Z ERROR blue_build::commands] Failed to push image ghcr.io/mrqvest/my-ublue:39
Error: Process completed with exit code 1.7 replies