Created by Sebthesciencekid on 2/27/2023 in #community-help
wall hacks not working
my wall hacks aren’t working
3 replies
Created by Sebthesciencekid on 2/18/2023 in #community-help
Closing val freezes monitors
this has happened to me twice now I was playing with my friends, and when i closed the game i could still hear my youtube videos and my friends on discord. HOWEVER everything on both my monitors froze there was a small glitchy block on my secondary monitor another concern is how long it took to shut down. i pressed it, waited a few seconds, nothing happened. i had to press the shut down button 3 times for the computer to finally (fully) shut down. anyone know why this is happening? should i be worried? how can i fix it?
40 replies
Created by Sebthesciencekid on 10/24/2022 in #community-help
im in my own party and cant que because it says party not ready
when i try to que, it says i can't because other party members (another me) is qued so i cant que then, i got an empty map screen, and got a warning for dodging. wtf?
88 replies