Closing val freezes monitors

this has happened to me twice now I was playing with my friends, and when i closed the game i could still hear my youtube videos and my friends on discord. HOWEVER everything on both my monitors froze there was a small glitchy block on my secondary monitor another concern is how long it took to shut down. i pressed it, waited a few seconds, nothing happened. i had to press the shut down button 3 times for the computer to finally (fully) shut down. anyone know why this is happening? should i be worried? how can i fix it?
11 Replies
SebthesciencekidOP3y ago
could this be my graphics drivers i heard amd released another set of buggy drivers uh no well it’s happened 3 times so like idk what’s causing it that’s why i’m here ofc i cant replicate it it happens randomly but i need to know if this is a serious problem
Jshy3y ago
I don't know why my messages got delected. Probably cus of the false ban anyway, if you can't replicate it, then there is no way to troubleshoot it and there is no way to tell whats causing it and if its bad or not
SebthesciencekidOP3y ago
i just wanted to know if it’s something other people are getting you got false banned?
Jshy3y ago
Yeah I sent a link in another forum to help troubleshoot, got auto banned Havent heard about it on here before.
SebthesciencekidOP3y ago
damn i just tried to alt tab and it happened @jshyuh
SebthesciencekidOP3y ago
Yumi3y ago
win + ctrl + shift + b resets the graphics card and it will go back to normal (idk if it works for u but works for me)
SebthesciencekidOP3y ago
i’ve tried i can still hear everything after a while it just completely freezes and then i have to restart
Jshy3y ago
is it just valorant which freezes or everything? can you still use the other open apps?
SebthesciencekidOP3y ago
everything no cursor no nothing literally everything freezes read the thingy
Jshy3y ago
Im not sure then, could be a graphics driver issue could be anything I would recommend contacting riot directly

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