Is it possible to use discord.js-light with Sapphire?
The title is self-explanatory, I think.
11 replies
Localizations for slash commands working partially
I'm trying to utilize i18next-plugin for registering slash commands using Discord's localization, but it doesn't seem to work properly. Command names/descriptions and option names are still English (the default, non-localized values) while my client language is Russian. Everything else is localized correctly. Here is my code:
new SlashCommandBuilder()
.setDescription(await english("commands/buy:description"))
new SlashCommandStringOption()
.setName(await english("commands/buy:options_item"))
.setDescription(await english("commands/buy:options_item_desc"))
new SlashCommandBuilder()
.setDescription(await english("commands/buy:description"))
new SlashCommandStringOption()
.setName(await english("commands/buy:options_item"))
.setDescription(await english("commands/buy:options_item_desc"))
I'm not sure if this is a Sapphire issue, Discord.js issue, or Discord issue. allLocales is a wrapper around i18next, for the name it returns { 'en-US': 'buy', ru: 'купить' }, for other values similar things.
7 replies
Peristing cooldowns across restarts
Hello, is it possible to persist a cooldown after restarting the bot? I have commands with big cooldowns (like a day or a month) and I don't want them to be reset.
7 replies