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AAAndronix App
Created by Vinceee on 3/26/2024 in #support-forum
How do I access my VNC server from other devices in my network?
Lets say on my laptop, using some VNC viewer thing, how?
6 replies
DIAdiscord.js - Imagine an app
Created by Vinceee on 8/14/2023 in #djs-questions
Is it possible to add "streaming" text feature to text via Discord.js? Would that be allowed?
ChatGPT (and other models) have these feature called "Streaming", where it shows the text its generating as if its being typed in real time I want to implement this to my Discord bot because I think it looks cool. I am thinking of doing it by constantly editing the message to make it look streaming. But I'm worried about the rate limits and how it might cause me to get into issues. Would simply staying below the rate limit (50req/s, afaik) be enough to allow me to actually implement this feature? The "constant edits" speed I'm thinking about currently is about 2 edits or 5 edits per second. But I'm worried this may be "spammy behavior".
5 replies