sith pepe
sith pepe
Created by sith pepe on 11/15/2022 in #community-help
Alt-Tab crashes computer, freezes entire system and restart needed.
Hey guys! My game crashes every time I play valorant and alt-tab. This issue only happens when I am in a comp game or a queue. This is very difficult for me, because I can't check messages, play music or manage my stream. Please help! I have tried toggling fullscreen options and NVIDIA low latency, but nothing helps. I think it must be an NVIDIA side issue, because when I install new graphics drivers it fixes it for a while.
51 replies
Created by sith pepe on 10/5/2022 in #community-help
PC sometimes becomes unresponsive when alt+tabbing or pressing windows key
I have been dealing with an issue with my PC for a while now, where my PC completely freezes when Valorant loses focus. Sometimes it may let me switch, but mostly it just freezes my screens and I have to restart (often causing a costly queue penalty when I miss a round). TenZ had this issue and tried something with changing settings, does anyone know a fix?
6 replies