Alt-Tab crashes computer, freezes entire system and restart needed.

Hey guys! My game crashes every time I play valorant and alt-tab. This issue only happens when I am in a comp game or a queue. This is very difficult for me, because I can't check messages, play music or manage my stream. Please help! I have tried toggling fullscreen options and NVIDIA low latency, but nothing helps. I think it must be an NVIDIA side issue, because when I install new graphics drivers it fixes it for a while.
20 Replies
sith pepe
sith pepe2y ago
Also, the issue is infrequent but extremely taxing and sometimes results in AFK penalties.
Ranjith from Tech Support India
don't use "alt+tab" just play the game as it is
JustEitan2y ago
You probably using a diffrent resolution than your original one
sith pepe
sith pepe2y ago
native! :) I need to multitask, sorry. It's otherwise impossible to manage my stream.
Jasper2y ago
u must have disabled the high precision even timer
sith pepe
sith pepe2y ago
how exactly do I re-enable it?
Jasper2y ago
open device manager -> system drivers -> then find high precision even timer on it if its enabled then idk with then problem
No description
sith pepe
sith pepe2y ago
k ayyy fellow w11 user 👊🏼 wait wait hold up u have BUFF 🫵🏼 🤢
Jasper2y ago
ya i purchased it and now i am getting a feeling that i am scammed
JustEitan2y ago
Well, idk zd xdd *
manito2y ago
whats ur ram config
sith pepe
sith pepe2y ago
lmfao 2 sticks of 8gb. I can send the exact specs if you want.
manito2y ago
that should be more than enough. What i think is happening is you are changing from your actual gpu to your integrated gpu when switching from valorant to a chrome tab/desktop.
manito2y ago
No description
manito2y ago
try this in settings wait are you on a laptop or a pc? if you're on a pc, you are not switching to integrated graphics if you have the hdmi plugged into the right port
sith pepe
sith pepe2y ago
pc which is the right port? KEKW monitors btw
manito2y ago
well you are def using the bottom ones right? show me the back of your pc
sith pepe
sith pepe2y ago
oh um i am at the mall i have them directly plugged into the graphics card tho i have 1 hdmi port on my motherboard so i plugged them into my graphics card because it has 2 slots um hello? @manito4949
manito2y ago
Hmm If you can, update GPU drivers And windows Or best option: reinstall windows if it's a real fuss
sith pepe
sith pepe2y ago
lmao ok not reinstalling windows, but I'm happy to update graphics drivers