Created by Xavi on 6/13/2024 in #❓┊help
Custom column classes
I found the solution. The reason is that this panel has a custom theme and the custom theme creates a custom tailwind.config.js.
4 replies
Created by Xavi on 6/12/2024 in #❓┊help
Remove "remove item" on select
thanks @Leandro Ferreira !
5 replies
Created by Xavi on 6/11/2024 in #❓┊help
How to apply CSS to sidebar navigation group
great @Tetracyclic thank you so much!
7 replies
Created by Xavi on 5/17/2024 in #❓┊help
TagsInput belongsToMany
i found solution with
->mutateRecordDataUsing(function (array $data, $record): array {
$data['keywords'] = $record->keywords()->where('manual', true)->pluck('name')->toArray();
return $data;
->mutateRecordDataUsing(function (array $data, $record): array {
$data['keywords'] = $record->keywords()->where('manual', true)->pluck('name')->toArray();
return $data;
on EditAction. Thanks!
7 replies
Created by Xavi on 5/17/2024 in #❓┊help
TagsInput belongsToMany
only pressing enter
7 replies
Created by Xavi on 5/17/2024 in #❓┊help
TagsInput belongsToMany
@Leandro Ferreira Using select is worse for the UX. They have to press buttons. On the other hand, with tagsinput users write the tags and create their tags
7 replies
Created by Xavi on 5/15/2024 in #❓┊help
Custom attribute searchable
ok, i seach on it, thanks
8 replies
Created by Xavi on 5/15/2024 in #❓┊help
Custom attribute searchable
What is Virtual Colums @Dennis Koch ??
8 replies
Created by torpedo on 11/26/2023 in #❓┊help
Open Modal afterStateUpdate?
@torpedo hi! Can you do it?
4 replies
Created by Xavi on 4/22/2024 in #❓┊help
ImportAction on suffixAction
it works, but with this i cannot use prebuilt importaction
4 replies
Created by Xavi on 4/20/2024 in #❓┊help
TextInput multiple relations
oh 😦 Ok thanks Dennis!
9 replies
Created by Xavi on 4/20/2024 in #❓┊help
TextInput multiple relations
yes one group/relationship works, but second one doesn't works, and i need to works with two different groups for visual structure propose 😦
9 replies
Created by Xavi on 4/20/2024 in #❓┊help
TextInput multiple relations
no it doesn't works. How can i do to works?
9 replies
Created by Jon Mason on 3/24/2024 in #❓┊help
Is there a reason why a DeleteAction wouldn't trigger a model observer event?
@Jon Mason do you find a solution for trigger model obserservers? thanks!
5 replies
Created by Xavi on 3/15/2024 in #❓┊help
Another button on modal filter
it use ->filtersFormSchema and it works perfect! Thanks a lot @Leandro Ferreira
6 replies
Created by Xavi on 3/15/2024 in #❓┊help
Another button on modal filter
No description
6 replies
Created by Xavi on 2/15/2024 in #❓┊help
How to set selected on edit form
I use mountUsing and works perfect!!! thanks!
6 replies
Created by Xavi on 1/24/2024 in #❓┊help
Relationship Manager doesn't show
yes! its for policies. Thanks a lot @awcodes !
5 replies
Created by Xavi on 1/24/2024 in #❓┊help
Relationship Manager doesn't show
any suggestions? i try anything.. 😦
5 replies
Created by Xavi on 1/24/2024 in #❓┊help
Refresh field after modal form
jeje sorry. When i change amount after modal submission, field deposit it's not changed, i must to refresh page to see the changes
6 replies