Created by Zoey on 7/20/2024 in #❓┊help
How can I create custom UI Blade components?
For some reason, not all of the Filament form fields have relative UI Blade components. I want to use a UI Blade component for the Toggle form field in a custom Livewire page. This is already possible with the Filament Select input field via <x-filament::input.select />, but there is no Toggle UI blade component. Here are the current available UI Blade components for form fields: https://filamentphp.com/docs/3.x/support/blade-components/overview Can someone please show and example of how to create a UI Blade using the Toggle field?
1 replies
Created by Zoey on 4/14/2024 in #❓┊help
How do you customize the UI for SpatieMediaLibraryFileUpload?
I tried using the chainable methods for FileUpload, but they didn't work and the default UI is not good. It just displays the uploaded images full width and on top of each other. Also, I have used reorderable(), but it is listing the images in reverse order so the one on the bottom should actaully be on top. Any insight would be appreciated. Thanks!
1 replies
Created by Zoey on 4/14/2024 in #❓┊help
Can we pass sortable() a field name or array of field names to sort on?
For example, if we have a table TextColumn that displays full_name it would be great if we could pass sortable(['last_name', 'first_name']) so it sorts on the last name and then the first name. Actually I think it does appear to work as an array parameter, but I didn't see any mention of it in the documentation. Also, after testing it out, the order to have sorted by last name then first name would be sortable(['first_name', 'last_name']) . Is there documentation for this functionality? Thanks!
1 replies
Created by Zoey on 4/5/2024 in #❓┊help
Table ImageColumn defaultImageUrl with a many-to-many relationship
Is it possible to use defaultImageUrl on a Table ImageColumn that is stacked on a many-to-many relationship? For example, if I have a Pet and User table and the Pet can belong to many Users, how can I display a default image for each User that doesn't have an avatar? When I use defaultImageUrl on the ImageColumn it displays the default for the pet, not each user. Thanks!
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