Value in Select component
I see the value in the Select component, but when selected, I only get the array position of the Select component in the database.
I want the code as seen in the Documentation where the Select component gives the value: ``.
How can I best modify this code? Excuse for my poor English...
4 replies
mutateFormDataBeforeSave doesn't initially save to.
I have a model 'Person' with a couple of columns. With mutateFormDataBeforeSave I want to save a concatenation of those columns to another db column named 'fullname'. I use this code which I added to CreatePerson.php & EditPerson.php:
and the Model:
When creating a new Person the fullname doesn't get saved in the db.
When (editing) and saving an already created Person the fullname does get (created and) saved.
Why doesn't it get saved using CreatePerson.php?
5 replies