Created by Luna on 7/13/2023 in #questions
Magma - Multiverse Core with Biome mods
Resume: Is it possible for Multiverse-Core to generate a Nether world based on the generation of the Biomes You'll Go mod? Hello everyone, I know that Mods and Plugins together are a serious problem and shouldn't even exist, but I really would like to know if there is a solution for my following problem: I have a server with Mods and Plugins using Magma, and because it's "vanilla", the Nether and the End are in the same world folder as the Overworld, so if I create a region in WorldGuard, it affects all 3 dimensions at the same time. I kind of managed to solve it by using multiverse-netherportals, but the problem is that it can't generate the Nether with the biome generation from the Biomes You'll Go mod. Is there any argument in the usage of the world creation command to activate it? Or any plugin addon that would add this? Thank you in advance for your attention, and sorry for any inconvenience.
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