Requesting Assistance for PDF Download Issue Upon Record Creation in Laravel Application
I'm seeking assistance from Filament support regarding an issue with downloading a PDF after creating a record in my Laravel application. Here's a detailed breakdown of the problem:
In my application, I have a PDF controller named DownloadPdfController, which is responsible for generating and downloading PDFs. Here's a snippet of the controller code:
class DownloadPdfController extends Controller
public function download()
// Retrieving the first Colis record
$colis = Colis::all()->first();
// Generating barcode HTML
$barcode = new DNS1D();
$codebar = $barcode->getBarcodeHTML($colis->{'Numéro de suivi'}, 'C39');
// Data to be passed to the PDF view
$data = [
'title' => 'Colis Ticket - ' . $colis->{'Numéro de suivi'},
'colis' => $colis,
'codebar' => $codebar,
// Generating PDF from view
$pdf = Pdf::loadView('Colis.Pdf.Colis-Ticket-Pdf', $data);
// Downloading the PDF with a specific filename
return $pdf->download('colis-ticket-' . $colis->{'Numéro de suivi'} . '.pdf');
Additionally, I have a method named afterCreate() in my CreateColis.php file, which should trigger the PDF download after a record is created. Here's a snippet of the code:
protected function afterCreate(): void
protected function getRedirectUrl(): string
return $this->getResource()::getUrl('index');
I've confirmed that the method app(DownloadPdfController::class)->download(); is triggered after record creation, generating the PDF successfully. However, the PDF isn't automatically downloaded despite the method being called.Strangely, when I manually test the PDF download by calling the method through a route, it works perfectly fine.
Assistance in resolving this discrepancy would be appreciated. Thank you
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