Created by adapang0420 on 6/27/2024 in #community-help
How the hell does ACS works, I mean like I got the most kills and the most assists with less deaths but somehow someone else's ACS is higher than me?
3 replies
Created by adapang0420 on 6/26/2024 in #community-help
Damage Not Killing Enemies
So here's basically what happened, iso used his ult and I got caught in and I 1v1 him, but after I did 159 damage he is still alive but I died. Note he had no shield or healing.
2 replies
Created by adapang0420 on 6/24/2024 in #community-help
How do I avoid playing against Smurfs
How do I avoid playing against Smurfs. Like literally I'm just tryna push comp here and I can't get past Bronze 2 because of Smurfs on every game, they kept getting in my way and it's honestly starting to ruin my mentality.
2 replies
Created by adapang0420 on 6/19/2024 in #community-help
Kingdom credits
So I was checking through gears in Agents and I saw there are stuff that costs 10k+ kingdom credits when the max capacity is 10k. So how does that work, like how do you get over the max capacity
4 replies