help me
VS is a bulky IDE, built for c# development, while vscode is a text editor, meaning it’s faster and has support for many languages and other features via plugins (but out of the box its not specifically built with the tools for c# dev). I would probably reccomend VS for unity development, but it depends based on what you like/need and what you’re running everything on. Read this (or any similar article) for more info https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/visual-studio-vs-visual-studio-code/, or if your not sure you can set up both and see which you like better
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❔ ✅ How can I make a variable any type?
Something you can do is check to see if the string only contains numeric chars, and if so convert. Aka int32.TryParse() https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.int32.tryparse?view=net-7.0#system-int32-tryparse(system-string-system-int32@)
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