code went for the milk i saved it logged in and its vanished and ive opened every single file i have
my program has just vanished out of anywhere anyway i can open older saves of my project?
24 Replies
it runs the last successful build
is there a way to load the code for the last successful build
with decompiling tools such as dotPeek
is it too late?
you can decompile your executable to recover the source code
i wish i had a executable
i only have the .sln file
you have the program here, right?
What are you clicking on to run the build
That is the executable
run last build
in the
folderoh i see it
the exectutable runs the code
but the sln file has just vanished the code in there
ghost code
The executable is the code
In a format the computer can understand well, not technically because c# uses a jit but you get the point
Use a disassembly tool like dotPeek to turn that back into c#
the one from here?
dotPeek: Free .NET Decompiler & Assembly Browser by JetBrains
dotPeek is a free tool based on ReSharper. It can reliably decompile any .NET assembly into C# or IL code.
want to make sure i get a safe download thats all
uhh which do i get?
JetBrains is a company that sells IDEs and tools, including the disassembler
So just skip everything but the disassembler
i think thats sharper
The disassembler is called dotPeek
oh wait yeah
alright just gotta figure this out
thank you so much
Np! 👍