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Created by Eternal on 5/26/2024 in #❓・help
UI not changing when ref variable changes
<button @click="toggleRobloxAccounts" class="activeAccount">
<div class="wrapper">
<img :src="robloxAccount.profilePicture" :alt="robloxAccount.username" ref="robloxAccountImage">
<p ref="robloxAccountUsername">{{ robloxAccount.username }}</p>
<Icon name="fa-solid:chevron-down" />
<div v-show="showRobloxAccounts" class="reserveRobloxAccounts">
<button v-for="account in reserveRobloxAccounts" :key="account.robloxId"
<div class="wrapper">
<NuxtImg :src="account.profilePicture" :alt="account.username" format="avif"
draggable="false" />
<p>{{ account.username }}</p>
<button @click="toggleRobloxAccounts" class="activeAccount">
<div class="wrapper">
<img :src="robloxAccount.profilePicture" :alt="robloxAccount.username" ref="robloxAccountImage">
<p ref="robloxAccountUsername">{{ robloxAccount.username }}</p>
<Icon name="fa-solid:chevron-down" />
<div v-show="showRobloxAccounts" class="reserveRobloxAccounts">
<button v-for="account in reserveRobloxAccounts" :key="account.robloxId"
<div class="wrapper">
<NuxtImg :src="account.profilePicture" :alt="account.username" format="avif"
draggable="false" />
<p>{{ account.username }}</p>
The userDataStore is a Pinia store
3 replies
Created by Eternal on 5/26/2024 in #❓・help
UI not changing when ref variable changes
Here's my code if you want to take a look
const showRobloxAccounts = ref(false);
function toggleRobloxAccounts() {
showRobloxAccounts.value = !showRobloxAccounts.value;

const robloxAccount = ref<{ username: string, robloxId: number, profilePicture: string }>({
username: "",
robloxId: 0,
profilePicture: ""
const reserveRobloxAccounts = ref<username: string, robloxId: number, profilePicture: string[]>([]);

function setActiveAccount(robloxId: number) {
for (let i = 0; i < reserveRobloxAccounts.value.length; i++) {
if (reserveRobloxAccounts.value[i].robloxId == robloxId) {
const temp = reserveRobloxAccounts.value[i];
reserveRobloxAccounts.value.splice(i, 1);
robloxAccount.value = {
username: temp.username,
robloxId: temp.robloxId,
profilePicture: temp.profilePicture,

watch(userDataStore, (data) => {
robloxAccount.value = data.robloxAccount;
reserveRobloxAccounts.value = data.reserveRobloxAccounts;

watch(robloxAccount, (data) => {
console.log("hello world"); //this doesnt run after you change the robloxAccount variable in the setActiveAccount function.
const showRobloxAccounts = ref(false);
function toggleRobloxAccounts() {
showRobloxAccounts.value = !showRobloxAccounts.value;

const robloxAccount = ref<{ username: string, robloxId: number, profilePicture: string }>({
username: "",
robloxId: 0,
profilePicture: ""
const reserveRobloxAccounts = ref<username: string, robloxId: number, profilePicture: string[]>([]);

function setActiveAccount(robloxId: number) {
for (let i = 0; i < reserveRobloxAccounts.value.length; i++) {
if (reserveRobloxAccounts.value[i].robloxId == robloxId) {
const temp = reserveRobloxAccounts.value[i];
reserveRobloxAccounts.value.splice(i, 1);
robloxAccount.value = {
username: temp.username,
robloxId: temp.robloxId,
profilePicture: temp.profilePicture,

watch(userDataStore, (data) => {
robloxAccount.value = data.robloxAccount;
reserveRobloxAccounts.value = data.reserveRobloxAccounts;

watch(robloxAccount, (data) => {
console.log("hello world"); //this doesnt run after you change the robloxAccount variable in the setActiveAccount function.
3 replies
Created by Eternal on 3/19/2024 in #❓・help
how to configure tree shaking
Adding Nuxt UI adds a whole 0.5 mb of code even if i only use dropdowns and nothing else
2 replies