Callback on resource creation in modal
Hi, I'm creating a resource and rather than using a dedicated create page I'm using a modal window.
I need to manipulate the record once it's been created but I can't find a way to do it. I know there are hooks on the CreateRecord but I'm not using that page any more as it's just a modal. Help please!
6 replies
Accessing (parent?) data using <x-filament::button
I am trying to use <x-filament::button within a blade file I've created.
I have a state property which is an array. Below I have two buttons:
The standard syntax button works perfectly and executes calendarField:reset and passes the state to it.
However, <x-filament::button does not and gives the error
ReferenceError: state is not defined
I've tried using $parent.state to no avail. Any ideas?
Thanks!4 replies
Theming form components
I've been using Filament's panel builder and now want to use the form elements on my frontend. AMAZINGLY quick to spin up, but how am I able to customise the look and feel of these on the frontend?
For example the styles by default are opinionated, e.g. prefers dark mode, etc.
Hope you can help!
1 replies