Created by chrispage1 on 12/4/2024 in #❓┊help
Injecting model/record into a chart
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Created by chrispage1 on 7/17/2024 in #❓┊help
Custom modal actions with multiple custom buttons
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Created by chrispage1 on 6/14/2024 in #❓┊help
Multiple dependant fields / clearing on change
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Created by chrispage1 on 5/3/2024 in #❓┊help
Callback on resource creation in modal
Hi, I'm creating a resource and rather than using a dedicated create page I'm using a modal window. I need to manipulate the record once it's been created but I can't find a way to do it. I know there are hooks on the CreateRecord but I'm not using that page any more as it's just a modal. Help please!
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Created by chrispage1 on 2/8/2024 in #❓┊help
Accessing (parent?) data using <x-filament::button
Hi, I am trying to use <x-filament::button within a blade file I've created. I have a state property which is an array. Below I have two buttons:
<!-- native button -->
<button wire:click.prevent="dispatchFormEvent('calendarField:reset', state)">

<!-- filament button -->
<x-filament::button color="danger" icon="heroicon-o-x-mark" tag="button" type="submit" size="xs" wire:click.prevent="dispatchFormEvent('calendarField:reset', state)">
<!-- native button -->
<button wire:click.prevent="dispatchFormEvent('calendarField:reset', state)">

<!-- filament button -->
<x-filament::button color="danger" icon="heroicon-o-x-mark" tag="button" type="submit" size="xs" wire:click.prevent="dispatchFormEvent('calendarField:reset', state)">
The standard syntax button works perfectly and executes calendarField:reset and passes the state to it. However, <x-filament::button does not and gives the error ReferenceError: state is not defined I've tried using $parent.state to no avail. Any ideas? Thanks!
4 replies
Created by chrispage1 on 1/16/2024 in #❓┊help
Theming form components
Hi! I've been using Filament's panel builder and now want to use the form elements on my frontend. AMAZINGLY quick to spin up, but how am I able to customise the look and feel of these on the frontend? For example the styles by default are opinionated, e.g. prefers dark mode, etc. Hope you can help!
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Created by chrispage1 on 1/9/2024 in #❓┊help
Relocating create button to inside my grid structure
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