Wondering if anyone is up to make a character art concept for me
He is a tall man (around 6'3), wears boots. a torn cloak with a hood (puts on hood when using his ultimate), a half gas mask (one of the ones that just covers the nose and mouth), grey eyes, silver colored hair, and constantly has small streams of smoke around him. those are just the main things but you can add whatever you want to it, after all your the ones making the art if you choose too.
2 replies
β’Created by racoons are goated on 7/19/2024 in #community-help
answer please
though if you keep getting penalties they will be longer and longer each time untill going afk dies down
45 replies
β’Created by racoons are goated on 7/19/2024 in #community-help
answer please
@racoons are goated so the account will get temporary bans and after a while of not getting so many penalties it will go back to warnings
45 replies
β’Created by monkii on 7/19/2024 in #community-help
I need help why is thios popping up
maybe try restarting vanguard by shutting it down then restarting your pc to turn it back on?
4 replies