Select filter attribute name by relation
I have an form select like that
So Teacher has relation user and I need to get label from
sho I wrote filter like that
for SelectFilter relationship 2nd param is required and if is not working with relations.
1 replies
I need to assign order to group.
Order has group_id
and group has (HasMany) relationship
I can assign order to group while editing it.
after that if I open group resource I can get all orders using relationManager
But I need to assign orders inside Order Resource too
I tried using repeater but insted of assigning order it trying to create new order.
How Can I do it?
1 replies
Database notification to speciffic role
I need to send new notification to all managers
As soon as some one reacts to new notification all other notifications must disappear
How can I do it. is there any easy way to do it or should I need to do it manually?
1 replies