Import prevent duplicates
Is there a way to check for duplicates in a CSV import?
The validations in are per row, is there a way to check does a certain column contain duplicates and if yes prevent the whole import?
2 replies
Is there a way to hide the whole navigation panel depending on role?
One role in a system i am building is supposed to have access only to a single page so, they would like the whole nav panel not to show as it makes no sense. Is there a way to accomplish this?
12 replies
SpatieMediaLibraryFileUpload inside action how to attach to new model
I have an Order Resource in infolist i have an action that creates a payment record attached to current order, but when i added SpatieMediaLibraryFileUpload field to this form it saves the image on the order instead of the payment. Is there a way to tell it to attach to the newly created payment record.
Here is my code:
4 replies