Blast - New Agent
Realistically, 8 seconds on the wall it's a little bit to overpowered. Vyse's wall has only 6 seconds and it's still massive.
The second ability, the placement shouldn't be like an Omen smoke, because an initiator has to be fast to abilitate his team, it should be more like a molly projectail, but the choise it's still col (also low a little bit how long the ability goes on, 10 seconds of slow it's unfair).
The third ability it's a little bit confusing but it's ok.
The ultimate: should be Vyse ultimate radius (45 meters I think) so it could affect more dispersed teamets, and buff a little how much time it affects (6-8 seconds).
The concept it's very good, but I think you should change the element to something similar to wind (like steam or mist) because that way the agent will have more personality.
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