WBWeb Bae
Created by elia on 5/21/2024 in #❓︱questions
Horizontal Scroll with different length/(height)
yeah that blew my mind 😃
13 replies
WBWeb Bae
Created by elia on 5/21/2024 in #❓︱questions
Horizontal Scroll with different length/(height)
My plan is to set the loading time of all assets to eager and build a progress indicator at the very top of the page
13 replies
WBWeb Bae
Created by elia on 5/21/2024 in #❓︱questions
Horizontal Scroll with different length/(height)
Thank You! I'll check the script-tag thing. I am assuming its some sort of typo as you said. Thanks also for feedback on the images. The progress indicator is a thign I wanted to build in anyways, so users have an easier time waiting. I didnt know you already had a tutorial on that, I'll definetly check it out. 😊 For creating the code, I asked perplexity AI, not even hoping it had a solution for that. It then spit out some javascript and refused to provide any other solution or workaround. I dont know much about java script and did not really have hope it would work. But it just....did. So far at least.
13 replies
WBWeb Bae
Created by elia on 5/21/2024 in #❓︱questions
Horizontal Scroll with different length/(height)
Update: Using following code, the width of each row now adapts to the number of panels and their width. It semmes to work perfectly fine: * const rowContainers = document.querySelectorAll(".height"); rowContainers.forEach(rowContainer => { const panels = rowContainer.querySelectorAll(".panel"); let totalWidth = 0; panels.forEach(panel => { const panelWidth = panel.offsetWidth; const panelMargin = window.getComputedStyle(panel).marginLeft + window.getComputedStyle(panel).marginRight; totalWidth += panelWidth + parseInt(panelMargin); }); rowContainer.style.width = ${totalWidth}px; });*
13 replies
WBWeb Bae
Created by elia on 5/21/2024 in #❓︱questions
Horizontal Scroll with different length/(height)
Hey thanks for that quick reply! Here is my page: https://strangelittlebeing.webflow.io/ollis-story I hope it works, since there is a ton of images in it that I still have to compress also I played around with the offset values whis makes the scrolling a bit clunky. In the attached screenshot you can see the specific row I am talking about. Here, the images appear way smaller which they didnt when there were less image in that row.
13 replies