WBWeb Bae
Created by elia on 5/21/2024 in #❓︱questions
Horizontal Scroll with different length/(height)
Hey people I am using the horizontal scroll cloneable for a webcomic project (the one from this tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyNLWHPooxM&t=20s) . For storytelling-reasons, I am using several instances of the "main" selector, by always duplicating it, which results in several rows of comic-panels. That works pretty great so far. The one issue I have is that some rows contain more panels than others, which makes the panels smaller to still fit the template. Now my question: Is there a way to increase the "lengths" of a row in a way that I can fit more elements in said row without making them appear smaller? At first I thought it must be the "height" container. So I replaced the "height" selector with a new style selector called "extraheight" and increased its height to 800svh (double the initial value). But that does not change the length of the horizontal scroll section at all, although it kinda feels like scrolling through it takes now longer. Am I missing something here or it is just not possible? Take a look at the screenshot for better understanding. Essentially I want to make the scroll section longer.
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