Created by Oakleafknight06 on 12/13/2024 in #questions
Build just keeps running if recipe defined in build.yml is not present in recipes folder
I have run into what seems to be an interesting edge case. I renamed my recipe file, but accidentally didn't include the new file in the commit with the changed entry in build.yml. The build seems to have just stalled in the building custom image phase, with no errors or stopping (been 10 minutes now).
12 replies
Created by Oakleafknight06 on 11/27/2024 in #questions
Build fails on extensions module, but works if re-run
Weird issue, my automatic builds are consistently failing on the gnome extensions module. However, if i run the build manually right after, it builds. So what’s the issue?
11 replies
Created by Oakleafknight06 on 10/3/2024 in #questions
How to change file permissions of an executeable pulled into an image
In my custom image I'm including the secureblue copr of Chromium, which doesn't ship with widevine included. That can be downloaded from google, but needs to be put into a directory in the read-only area, so it must be included in the image. I have done so with this script: https://github.com/Oakleafknight06/startingleaf/blob/main/files/scripts/install-widevine.sh based on this blog post: https://andreafortuna.org/2019/09/24/how-to-install-latest-widevine-plugin-on-chromium/ Which seems like it should work, but the file is not set as executeable properly. How should i do this?
13 replies
Created by Oakleafknight06 on 8/6/2024 in #questions
GCC dependency error failing build
https://github.com/Oakleafknight06/startingleaf/actions/runs/10269043686/job/28413563567#step:2:3461 (This should go to the correct spot, if it doesn't its line 3434.) There is some dependency error with gcc installed by brew. Any ideas where I would fix this?
14 replies