Testing relation manager actions
I am trying to test the actions of relation managers to get 100% code coverage across an internal project we have. However, the furthest I can get are exception that the create actions is not being rendered/present on the livewire component.
I am seeing the create action while logged into the panel.
This is a trimmed down WIP of an example test I have with some specific business logic from the app trimmed out.
This is happening for me in an Laravel 11 project with Filament v3.3.x.
Is there any way to test actions for relation managers?
Thanks in advance!
6 replies
Check if Livewire request came from Filament
I have the following macro in my AdminPanelProvider to check if requests came from Filament, this is inspired by
provided by Inertia.js:
This works for the default views across the panel, however the livewire.update
route ofcourse doesn't fall under this.
Is there a recommended approach to check if a Livewire request came from Filament? I don't feel like adding livewire.* is specific enough, since other panels or other Livewire components outside Filament would give false positives.
I've looked into adding (persistent) middlewares to my panel providing adding a x-filament header myself, but these middlewares seem to run after the Livewire request.
Thanks in advance!3 replies
Edit resource in attach action form?
I'm having a Resource class that has a RelationManager. Each relation has credentials stored in a JSON field from the main record of the resource.
Is it somehow possible to add a form to the AttachAction storing/updating fields using the credentials field column as state path of the resource instead of trying to update the related record or pivot columns?
Thanks in advance!
2 replies
Custom widget property being set after widget reload in action
I'm using the following custom action to navigate between between weeks of upcoming birthdays users. When the action runs, we increment the start date property. However, the property seems to lag a week behind the actual value. I believe this is happening due to the reload happening before the property is being set? How can I prevent this?
Thanks in advance!
3 replies
Sidebar navigation order is different in French
I've setup our panel navigation order with the following helper in our PanelProvider:
This order seems to be respected while our app is in English. However, when we switch to French the navigation items fall back to alphabetical ordering.
Is there any way to solve this?
Thanks in advance!
5 replies
Overwrite table widget label
This is probably something super obvious I'm missing... but how do you change the label of a Filament table widget? 🤔
I've looked a bit around in the docs and properties but couldn't see a direct change. Since we usually suffix our class names (ex. TableWidget for Filament table widgets) I'd like to remove the table part. We'll eventually also need to translate the widget title.
Thanks in advance!
5 replies
Cannot use accessor for record title in global search
According to the docs ( I should be able to use accessors as the record title in global search. When I try this however I still get exceptions that the given title does not exist on the MySql table.
This is the code I'm using currently. Using fullName has the same result.
What could be going on here? This is happening on Filament
and still after bumping to the .10
Thanks in advance!5 replies
Keep create action modal open on success with feedback
Is it somehow possible to keep the modal of a create action open after the record has been created?
I'd like to show the feedback with some data which shouldn't be available to the user when they close the modal after creating a record.
Thanks in advance!
23 replies
Translate HasOne relation (with HasMany nested)
I'm creating a resource containing a HasOne relation which has a nested HasMany relation through a simple repeater. For translations I'm using the first party Spatie translatable package and setup the concerns in the Resource, List and Create/Edit pages.
The main resource correctly gets translated and saved per locale in the JSON columns on the database. However, my relation saves the current locale to all locales. This is the setup I'm using currently:
While the poll and its answers get correctly saved in the correct poll -> poll_answers table with all relations setup, they're always saved to all locales instead of the active locales.
Both the main Model as the nested Poll and PollAnswer models have the HasTranslations trait setup.
What am I doing wrong here? Thanks in advance!
2 replies
Disable tenant ownership relation
In a Jetstream based app we're using the Teams setup. In our app however, not all models are strictly separated per team. Some models are always available for all teams, some are filtered if they are associated to at least one team, and others are always associated to teams.
In Filament v2, we already implemented the teams by applying global scopes on models which should vary per team. Relation managers then handle the associations between teams where required, else the create / edit pages ensure (new) models are synced to the correct team.
As we couldn't switch between the active team from Filament before (and only through the Jetstream front-end), we currently didn't have a team switcher.
After upgrading to Filament v3 after all third party packages have been updated, I checked out the tenancy docs to see if we could hook in onto the new Multi-tenancy setup.
Tenancy worked straight out of the box by implementing the interface and adding the methods from the docs:
However, on every resource I'm now getting the following error:
Is it possible to disable this relation behavior since we're using a morphToMany? If so, we could use the first party Tenancy setup to switch the current tenant/team in Filament, while keeping our own custom business logic in place.
20 replies
Searching by case insensitive json columns in global search
A colleague of me is having an issue where he isn't able to use the global search to find records which have data stored in JSON columns when the value contains capital letters. For example, the search query
or serving
has no results, while erving
would return the desired record.
I've tried to look into this by overwriting the global search query. Here I've managed to fetch the term being searched (not sure if there's a better way :D), but passing the $term value of putting hardcoded 'serving' doesn't result in the record being found either:
The string we're searching in the example contains - Serving assets from S3
inside the JSON column.
What could be a solution here?
Thanks in advance!5 replies
Excel upload validation in Resource Action
I'm looking to validate an Excel import (maatwebsite/excel:^3.1) inside a resource action.
Currently I'm using a closure rule, where I'm collecting all errors from the Excel import:
The above works, but I cannot find a way to print every error on a line. Is there a way to do this?
I've also tried validating in the action callback... but I can only find how to send notifications from there, and cannot seem to insert validation errors back to the form there.
(when it works I'll add a parameter to the import construction to ignore the collection and only run the validation)
Thanks in advance!
6 replies
Translate builder field content inside repeater field
I’m trying to translate the content of a builder field. This seems to work if the builder is put directly in a resource; However, when the builder is part of a repeater field being saved to another relation, translations don’t seem to be handled anymore.
The code below runs on Laravel v10.3.3 and Filament v2.17.15 in a fresh project using the first party Spatie translations plugin.
The static::getFlexibleContentBlocks() method simply returns the example builder blocks from the docs.
The content field is in the
and translatable
properties in both the Page and ModelSection models.
Does anyone know a workaround for this issue?
Thanks in advance!4 replies