Created by Dustfurn on 10/31/2023 in #❓┊help
Custom ->requiresConfirmation message?
Is it possible to override or provide a custom confirmation message for the filament DeleteAction?
4 replies
Created by Dustfurn on 10/4/2023 in #❓┊help
Email Verification?
I have setup user registration & email verification, however I'm getting the following error on user registration: Route [filament.app.auth.email-verification.verify] not defined. per the laravel docs, my user implements MustVerifyEmail and my panel configuration looks like:
Any ideas?
2 replies
Created by Dustfurn on 9/30/2023 in #❓┊help
"Warning" Validation?
Is it possible to treat a field validation rule as a 'warning' and not a error or failure? That is, I'd still like to show a validation message on the field if the rule does not pass, but the form should still be able to be submitted. How can I achieve this?
2 replies
Created by Dustfurn on 9/26/2023 in #❓┊help
Form\Actions\Action call javascript?
Is it possible to specify a javascript function that should be called first before the Action update occurs? tl;dr, I must first call a 3rd party API from the browser to obtain a token before an Action can successfully complete. I have hacked together a bit of javasript on the page that finds the Action's modal form when the modal is opened, but I am unable to prevent the Filament (livewire?) form submission of the form (i.e. e.preventDefault() ) does not prevent the modal form from performing the Livewire update.
2 replies
Created by Dustfurn on 9/23/2023 in #❓┊help
EditTenantProfile bug?
I have followed the v3 tenancy documentation to the letter, but when I click 'save changes' on my custom EditTenantProfile page, I receive the following error:
PHP 8.2.10
Unable to find component: [app.filament.pages.tenancy.edit-organization-profile]
PHP 8.2.10
Unable to find component: [app.filament.pages.tenancy.edit-organization-profile]
For more information, see the following stackoverflow question I posted: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/77164025/possible-bug-in-filament-v3-edittenantprofile
3 replies
Created by Dustfurn on 9/21/2023 in #❓┊help
Use Filament Components inside custom Form Field?
I have defined a custom Form Field (it’s state is a JSON field in the backing model), that i’m using in a standard Filament Form. Inside the custom Form Field, though, I have some vanilla html checkboxes…I want those to show up as Filament Toggle components to maintain consistency with the rest of the Filament Form I’m using the Custom Field inside.
3 replies