Created by Uncle on 1/27/2025 in #help-and-questions
cuid2 length
Also for the future if somebody is trying this zod has a cuid2 filter for strings.
12 replies
Created by Uncle on 1/27/2025 in #help-and-questions
cuid2 length
12 replies
Created by Uncle on 1/27/2025 in #help-and-questions
cuid2 length
I understand that 30 is a good maximum but is there a good minimum?
12 replies
Created by Uncle on 1/27/2025 in #help-and-questions
cuid2 length
is there a minimum size generated by prisma?
12 replies
Created by Uncle on 12/2/2024 in #help-and-questions
Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'create')
I restarted my computer and things seem to work now
7 replies
Created by Uncle on 12/2/2024 in #help-and-questions
Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'create')
When I run prisma studio and try to open the MagicLink table I get an Unable to run script error
7 replies
Created by Uncle on 12/2/2024 in #help-and-questions
Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'create')
The rest of my schema is working just fine
7 replies
Created by Uncle on 12/2/2024 in #help-and-questions
Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'create')
I just updated to 6.0
7 replies
Created by Uncle on 9/2/2024 in #help-and-questions
Validator questions
Thanks by the way
13 replies
Created by Uncle on 9/2/2024 in #help-and-questions
Validator questions
That worked. Can somebody explain what I was missing / why that worked?
13 replies
Created by Uncle on 9/2/2024 in #help-and-questions
Validator questions
My client instantiation
import { PrismaClient } from '@prisma/client'
const prisma = new PrismaClient({
user: {
passwordHash: true
export default prisma
import { PrismaClient } from '@prisma/client'
const prisma = new PrismaClient({
user: {
passwordHash: true
export default prisma
13 replies
Created by Uncle on 9/2/2024 in #help-and-questions
Validator questions
model User {
id String @id @default(cuid()) @map("id")
createdAt DateTime @default(now()) @map("created_at")
updatedAt DateTime? @updatedAt @map("updated_at")
email String? @unique
givenName String?
familyName String?
organizationName String?
emailVerified Boolean? @map("email_verified")
passwordHash String? @map("password_hash")
employee Boolean @default(false)
admin Boolean @default(false)
customerLeases Lease[] @relation(name: "customer")
employeeLeases Lease[] @relation(name: "employee")
contactInfo ContactInfo[]
paymentMade PaymentRecord[] @relation(name: "customer")
paymentReceived PaymentRecord[] @relation(name: "employee")
customerInvoices Invoice[]
session Session[]
verification Verification[]

@@unique([id, email])
@@unique([email, givenName, familyName])
@@index([id, email])
model User {
id String @id @default(cuid()) @map("id")
createdAt DateTime @default(now()) @map("created_at")
updatedAt DateTime? @updatedAt @map("updated_at")
email String? @unique
givenName String?
familyName String?
organizationName String?
emailVerified Boolean? @map("email_verified")
passwordHash String? @map("password_hash")
employee Boolean @default(false)
admin Boolean @default(false)
customerLeases Lease[] @relation(name: "customer")
employeeLeases Lease[] @relation(name: "employee")
contactInfo ContactInfo[]
paymentMade PaymentRecord[] @relation(name: "customer")
paymentReceived PaymentRecord[] @relation(name: "employee")
customerInvoices Invoice[]
session Session[]
verification Verification[]

@@unique([id, email])
@@unique([email, givenName, familyName])
@@index([id, email])
13 replies
Created by Uncle on 9/2/2024 in #help-and-questions
Validator questions
my User model:
13 replies
Created by Uncle on 8/17/2024 in #help-and-questions
Module '"prisma/prisma-client"' has no exported member 'PrismaClient'.
It's now fixed its self. Which is kinda worrisome.
4 replies
Created by Uncle on 7/21/2024 in #help-and-questions
Help with findFirst and none relations
17 replies
Created by Uncle on 7/21/2024 in #help-and-questions
Help with findFirst and none relations
It seems to have been an issue with awaiting and Array.forEach(). Refactoring to for await fixed it.
17 replies
Created by Uncle on 7/21/2024 in #help-and-questions
Help with findFirst and none relations
and the last few querrys: Query: SELECT "public"."users"."id", "public"."users"."email" FROM "public"."users" WHERE ("public"."users"."id") NOT IN (SELECT "t1"."customerId" FROM "public"."Lease" AS "t1" WHERE (1=1 AND "t1"."customerId" IS NOT NULL)) LIMIT $1 OFFSET $2 Params: [1,0] Duration: 1ms Query: SELECT "public"."ContactInfo"."id", "public"."ContactInfo"."email","public"."ContactInfo"."givenName","public"."ContactInfo"."familyName","public"."ContactInfo"."organizationName","public"."ContactInfo"."address1", "public"."ContactInfo"."address2", "public"."ContactInfo"."address3","public"."ContactInfo"."city","public"."ContactInfo"."state","public"."ContactInfo"."zip","public"."ContactInfo"."phoneNum1","public"."ContactInfo"."phoneNum2","public"."ContactInfo"."phoneNum1Validated","public"."ContactInfo"."phoneNum2Validated", "public"."ContactInfo"."softDelete" FROM "public"."ContactInfo" WHERE "public"."ContactInfo"."email" IN ($1) OFFSET $2 Params: ["[email protected]",0] Duration: 1ms Query: SELECT "public"."ContactInfo"."id", "public"."ContactInfo"."email", "public"."ContactInfo"."givenName", "public"."ContactInfo"."familyName", "public"."ContactInfo"."organizationName", "public"."ContactInfo"."address1","public"."ContactInfo"."address2","public"."ContactInfo"."address3","public"."ContactInfo"."city","public"."ContactInfo"."state","public"."ContactInfo"."zip","public"."ContactInfo"."phoneNum1", "public"."ContactInfo"."phoneNum2", "public"."ContactInfo"."phoneNum1Validated", "public"."ContactInfo"."phoneNum2Validated", "public"."ContactInfo"."softDelete" FROM "public"."ContactInfo" WHERE "public"."ContactInfo"."email" IN ($1) OFFSET $2 Params: ["[email protected]",0] Duration: 0ms Query: SELECT "public"."users"."id", "public"."users"."email" FROM "public"."users" WHERE ("public"."users"."id") NOT IN (SELECT "t1"."customerId" FROM "public"."Lease" AS "t1" WHERE (1=1 AND "t1"."customerId" IS NOT NULL)) LIMIT $1 OFFSET $2 Params: [1,0] Duration: 2ms
17 replies
Created by Uncle on 7/21/2024 in #help-and-questions
Help with findFirst and none relations
and how that gets call in the main() function pricedUnits.forEach(async (unit) => { const unitLeases: Date[] = Array.from({ length: Math.floor(Math.random() * maxLeases) + 1 }); let leaseStart = new Date(earliestStarting); const today = new Date; let numMonthsLeft = monthDif(leaseStart, today); unitLeases.forEach(async () => { const lengthOfLease = Math.floor(Math.random() * numMonthsLeft) + 1; let leaseEnd = new Date(addMonths(leaseStart, lengthOfLease)); if (leaseEnd > today || monthDif(leaseEnd, today) < 3) { leaseEnd = null; } leases.push(await createLease(unit, leaseStart, leaseEnd)); leaseStart = addMonths(leaseEnd, 1); numMonthsLeft = monthDif(leaseStart, today); }); });
17 replies
Created by Uncle on 7/21/2024 in #help-and-questions
Help with findFirst and none relations
the createLease function async function createLease(unit: UnitPricing, leaseStart: Date, leaseEnd: Date) { const employees = await prisma.employee.findMany({ select: { userId: true }, }); const employeeList: string[] = []; employees.forEach((employee) => { employeeList.push(employee.userId); }); const employee = employees[Math.floor(Math.random() * employees.length)]; const customer = await prisma.user.findFirst({ where: { customerLeases: { none: {} } }, select: { id: true, contactInfo: true, }, }); let leaseEnded:Date | null = null; if (leaseEnd) { leaseEnded = new Date(leaseEnd); } const lease = await prisma.lease.create({ data: { customerId: customer!.id, employeeId: employee.userId, contactInfoId: customer!.contactInfo[0].id, unitNum: unit.unitNum, price: unit.price, leaseEffectiveDate: new Date(leaseStart), leaseEnded, }, }); return lease; }
17 replies
Created by Uncle on 7/21/2024 in #help-and-questions
Help with findFirst and none relations
model Lease { id String @id @default(cuid()) customer User @relation(fields: [customerId], references: [id], onDelete: NoAction, onUpdate: NoAction) customerId String employee Employee @relation(fields: [employeeId], references: [userId], onDelete: NoAction, onUpdate: NoAction) employeeId String contactInfo ContactInfo @relation(fields: [contactInfoId], references: [id], onUpdate: NoAction, onDelete: NoAction) contactInfoId String unitPrice UnitPricing @relation(fields: [price, unitNum], references: [price, unitNum], onUpdate: NoAction) unitNum String price Int leaseCreatedAt DateTime @default(now()) leaseReturnedAt DateTime? leaseEffectiveDate DateTime leaseEnded DateTime? invoices Invoice[] @@unique([id, unitNum, price]) @@index([id, leaseCreatedAt(sort: Desc)]) }
17 replies