PrismaClientInitializationError: Unable to require(`/app/node_modules/.prisma/client/`).Prisma cannot find the required `libssl` system library in your system. Please install openssl-3.0.x and try again.Details: cannot open shared object file: No such file or director
Prisma cannot find the required `libssl` system library in your system. Please install openssl-3.0.x and try again.Details: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
"start": "bun --bun run ./build/index.js"
"build": "npx prisma generate && vite build"
[phases.setup]nixpkgsArchive = 'c054b2a07bce2be3b85fed85f45aea6a4b97f5cc'nixPkgs = ['...', 'nodejs_18']
"build": "vite build && npx prisma generate",
#12 0.597 $ vite build && bun x prisma generate #12 1.545#12 1.545 vite v4.4.9 building SSR bundle for production...#12 1.632 transforming... #12 1.854 7:06:15 PM [vite-plugin-svelte] /app/src/routes/login/+page.svelte:81:9 A11y: '#' is not a valid href attribute#12 1.854 79: <div class="text-sm leading-6">#12 1.854 80: <a#12 1.854 81: href="#"#12 1.854 ^#12 1.854 82: class="font-semibold text-violet-600 hover:text-violet-500">Forgot password?</a#12 1.854 83: > #12 4.149 ✓ 81 modules transformed. #12 4.295 rendering chunks... #12 5.003 error:#12 5.003#12 5.003 error: Cannot find module ".prisma/client/index" from "/app/node_modules/@prisma/client/index.js"#12 5.003