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Created by DivMode on 9/18/2023 in #✋|help
Bun with turborepo support
Hey guys, Just switched over to bun from fastify but having some trouble setting it up properly to work with railway. Im using turborepo and I just want railway to build the elysia app and I added the nixpacks.toml to root. The nextjs app itself is using vercel. Here is the github repo: https://github.com/DivMode/turbo-test railway server: 4392cf24-3b39-4f8b-a38b-2a47273c234b
nixpkgsArchive = 'd68b3b0c914aea10eee7cf2e59ef44e39bc221c9' # https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/d68b3b0c914aea10eee7cf2e59ef44e39bc221c9

cmds = []

cmds = ["pnpm run start --filter server"]
nixpkgsArchive = 'd68b3b0c914aea10eee7cf2e59ef44e39bc221c9' # https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/d68b3b0c914aea10eee7cf2e59ef44e39bc221c9

cmds = []

cmds = ["pnpm run start --filter server"]
22 replies