Puffy Cheeks
Puffy Cheeks
Created by Puffy Cheeks on 11/28/2023 in #🙋|general-help
VSF/ Magento product image sizing
Does anyone know how VSF/ Nuxt Image handles Magento product images? Magento has multiple product image sizes available for product image: regular, thumbnail, small, etc. but uploading multiple sizes of the same images seems so 90's.
My understanding is that VSF/ Nuxt Image can request a local static image and resize it with IPX or a cloud image processor like IMGIX, but its unclear to me whether it can request an image from the Magento catalog from another server and process it.
Does anyone know if its possible to use VSF/ Nuxt to resize a magento catalog image? If so, do you have any pointers/ tips that you can share on how to set it up properly? Thanks!
4 replies
Created by Puffy Cheeks on 7/19/2023 in #🙋|general-help
What makes a CMS good for Vue Storefront?
Hi, I am in the process of choosing a CMS to manage the content for our store. The purpose is not to address the product catalog/ images as we have a PIM- Akeneo for that. Its to have a solution where we can store and manage marketing assets for e.g. the landing pages, blog, about pages.
I see that there are a number of pre-built integrations on this list: https://docs.vuestorefront.io/v2/integrations/#cms
How are these CMSes chosen at the beginning? Do they have certain features that are particularly works well with ecommerce/ headless storefront? I notice for example some of the well known CMS such as Drupal, Joomla, Django isn't on the list. Obviously one can't integrate everything and has to start somewhere. But I also want to see if there is a specific reason for their absence also.
In general, what makes a good CMS that works with VSF? How easy/ difficult is it to do a custom integration with a CMS not on the list?
3 replies
Created by Puffy Cheeks on 7/12/2023 in #🙋|general-help
What's the implication of using/ not using Storefront UI components in the Figma design?
I am discussing with my UIUX designer about the use of Storefront UI 2 components in the design in Figma. At our stage of the design (wireframing), how much of these components/ how essential is it to incorporate these components into Figma? My view is it is essential, but I could be wrong. Its the first time my designer comes across VSF/ SFUI. I mentioned to her- Vue Storefront provides these components in a Figma file that can be integrated into the design. I've asked the designer at the beginning to incorporate these customizable blocks/ components for speed of implementation/ accessibility down the road. She said that they originally followed the guidelines, with a divider, carousel, arrows, box, and footer, but said that as the needs changed, she customized the design to better meet the requirements. I said that Storefront UI are customizable components that's done within the Vue Storefront framework for a few benefits- load speed optimization, speed of implementation for the developer, US WCAG accessibility requirements met. I asked for clarifications on what customization means- that if she is taking the components/ layouts/ blocks/ themes/ style and customizing them, its ok. If she is starting from scratch or using non-Storefront UI components, I believe it will mean the developer will have a harder time implementing the design and have to re-do some of the work that you guys did with the SFUI components. Storefront UI blocks also meet US WCAG accessibility requirements. If we aren't using Storefront UI blocks, then I need to have separate WCAG reviews, which is unnecessary if we just use Storefront UI blocks.
5 replies
Created by Puffy Cheeks on 6/13/2023 in #🙋|general-help
figma file for storefront ui 2.3?
Is there a figma file for storefront ui 2.3 components? I have the 2.2 but want to use the latest if it is available. https://www.figma.com/file/7APRfAoRBRwsZeu07wN5Vg/Storefront-UI-%7C-Design-Kit-v2.2-(public)?type=design&node-id=22913-91045 Thanks
7 replies