minimal api DI magic
yea I saw that
its just pretty funny, i was making a minimal example sample to show someone how easy and simple aspnetcore is compared to the go example he showed me.
And immediately I ran into some weird cryptic gotcha that I needed like 2 hours to solve and im a 5 year experience all in on c# and aspnetcore andy 😹
9 replies
❔ Coldstart issues?
yea i played around a little
im pretty sure its the assembly loading thing.
Even an empty endpoint goes from first run 60ms to 2nd run 6ms. So I guess its loading certain things for the first time when doing the whole http request response de/serialization handling thing.
And I guess loading all the ef core assemblies just takes a while. I remember running into this couple years back too. When I was performance tuning queries locally, I always had to run it several times cause you couldnt trust the first run. Didnt know about jit back then.
21 replies
❔ WPF game in C# having trouble attaching the "fireball" (image) to the player(ImagePlayer)
I dont know the answer, but just play around with the Canvas.SetLeft and SetTop methods.
Put in 0, see where that makes the ball show up.
Put in 100, see where that makes the ball show up... etc
Debug, or print out the value thats in player.ImagePlayer.RenderTransformOrigin.X and you'll figure it out
6 replies