•Created by CuppyCake on 12/24/2023 in #community-help
New to PC gaming
Hi CuppyCake, funny running into you here
Valorant was my first PC game too so I was in your exact shoes almost exactly 1 year ago :)
The best learning resource for Valorant in general Id say is Woohoojin’s channel on youtube, he has a couple of beginner guides and routines that I highly recommend watching (linked below) before watching his normal vod review videos, which mostly cover concepts that aren’t as relevant to lower ranks. Basic mechanics (aim and movement) are the fundamentals that you should focus on first imo because they set the foundation for everything else in the game.
And don’t be afraid to just play for fun (you can play swiftplays or unrated if you don’t want to go into ranked yet) the vast majority of players from what I’ve seen don’t know how to move properly so don’t worry about that, you’re already ahead of most people by recognizing that lol.
Feel free to dm me if you ever have any questions! I’m not the best player but I think I have a decent understanding of the game and can probably point you to other resources if I’m unsure.

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