UBUniversal Blue
Created by BallOfHot on 4/28/2024 in #🛟bazzite-help
How do i make my NTFS ssd not auto mount?
Hi, I have windows to go installed on an external ssd drive using rufus. I have another partition on there for carrying data. The issue i face is that when i connect it to my Bazzite Steam Deck it auto mounts all of its partitions, and all the names of files and folders on my sdd are shown in lowercase. if I unmount and remount those partitions then it works fine. I had searched a bit on this server, and i saw that someone had asked a similar question for sd card before. I went through the following links provided there. they were a good read, however i feel like these solutions would work if i do want to auto mount those drives correctly. I have not edited any files like /etc/fstab or changed something on kde partition manager or kde settings yet. also, I checked my fstab and it does not have my external drive partition UUID's in there. I had also read one of the leads mention that bazzite does not auto mount any external drives by default. however as far as i can remember I have not modified anything that would have lead to this auto mount situation. I kindly request for some suggestions.
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