•Created by OutofSpace on 7/18/2024 in #questions
reset world files without deleting player data
Hi, does anyone here know how I could achieve this automatically? Ideally this workflow would run every 90 minutes
- stop the server
- backup the playerdata
- delete the world files
- upload the blank world files (the same world but nobody has played on it yet)
- paste the playerdata back in the blank world file
- start the server
I thought about using Chronjobs but I am not sure how to configure them
8 replies
•Created by OutofSpace on 7/17/2024 in #questions
Linking litebans to custom website?
Does anyone here know if it's possible to link the litebans appeal forum (https://gitlab.com/ruany/litebans-php/-/wikis/Installation) to a pre-made html website?
E. g. Creating a website in a tool like framer or webflow, exporting the html files and then addigin the litebans form
Any help appreciated!
8 replies