Concurrency issues - distributed system
Hey, needing some advice or pointers with a work based question that is getting heated 😂
How can we update a customer account where 1000s of orders are coming in at the same time, this needs to be as real-time as possible, we are currently seeing up to 30 seconds of DB blocking in some cases 😖
5 replies
Architecture help
Hi all, just trying to get some advice, best practices etc...
I'm working on a platform at the moment which has the following pattern for all CRUD operations:
UI > API > Service
With today's patterns are a lot more of the CRUD functions performed at an API level, reducing the need for services?
24 replies
Quartz.Net - 100+ Jobs - Ownership
Hi, We currently have a Scheduler service that uses Quartz.Net to send out messages onto the MessageBus when required.
However, this is getting to the point where we have 100+ jobs, each time we require a new job it's a case of:
1. Create a Contract Class (used on both sender and receiver) as a Nuget Package
2. Download latest Scheduler Service repo
3. Import the Contract Class (from step 1)
4. Add details of your new job
5. Deploy service which adds the records to the Quartz Triggers DB
We use the scheduler service as a source of truth and so that have can have many receivers, but only 1 can pick up the message at any given time.
Just looking for advise/suggestions as there must surely there must be a cleaner solution for this ?
1 replies
Advice / Guidance on VM application services (Windows Server 2016)
Has anyone every come across a virtual machine (3 virtual 2.6Ghz processors, 12GB Ram) where a single core has been previsioned for the os?
So effectively we are hosting up to 15 services running on 2 CPU's across a collection of 26 application servers!
1 replies