DTDrizzle Team
Created by ericmartinezr on 12/8/2023 in #help
Window function fails with many-to-one relationship
Hello guys, I'm trying to use a window function to sum some values with a many-to-one relations but it's failing with this error You cannot use the window function 'sum' in this context. With the following query
SELECT `table1`.`id`,
`table1_table2`.`data` AS `table2`
FROM `table1`
LEFT JOIN lateral
SELECT coalesce(json_arrayagg(json_array(`table1_table2`. `id`, `table1_table2`.`id_tbl1`, `table1_table2`.`my_number`, sum(`table1_table2`.`my_number`) over(partition BY `table1_table2`.`id`))), json_array()) AS `data`
FROM `table2` `table1_table2`
WHERE `table1_table2`.`id_tbl1` = `table1`.`id`) `table1_table2`
SELECT `table1`.`id`,
`table1_table2`.`data` AS `table2`
FROM `table1`
LEFT JOIN lateral
SELECT coalesce(json_arrayagg(json_array(`table1_table2`. `id`, `table1_table2`.`id_tbl1`, `table1_table2`.`my_number`, sum(`table1_table2`.`my_number`) over(partition BY `table1_table2`.`id`))), json_array()) AS `data`
FROM `table2` `table1_table2`
WHERE `table1_table2`.`id_tbl1` = `table1`.`id`) `table1_table2`
The schema is as follows:
export const table1 = mysqlTable('table1', {
id: int('id').primaryKey().autoincrement()

export const table2 = mysqlTable('table2', {
id: int('id').primaryKey().autoincrement(),
table1Id: int('id_tbl1').notNull(),
myNumber: int('my_number')

export const table1Relations = relations(table1, ({one, many}) => ({
table2: many(table2),

export const table2Relations = relations(table2, ({one}) => ({
table1: one(table1, {
fields: [table2.table1Id],
references: []
export const table1 = mysqlTable('table1', {
id: int('id').primaryKey().autoincrement()

export const table2 = mysqlTable('table2', {
id: int('id').primaryKey().autoincrement(),
table1Id: int('id_tbl1').notNull(),
myNumber: int('my_number')

export const table1Relations = relations(table1, ({one, many}) => ({
table2: many(table2),

export const table2Relations = relations(table2, ({one}) => ({
table1: one(table1, {
fields: [table2.table1Id],
references: []
And this is the query I'm trying to execute
const qb = db.query.table1.findMany({
with: {
table2: {
extras: {
sumNumber: sql<number>`SUM(${schema.table2.myNumber}) OVER(partition by ${})`.as('sumNumber')
const qb = db.query.table1.findMany({
with: {
table2: {
extras: {
sumNumber: sql<number>`SUM(${schema.table2.myNumber}) OVER(partition by ${})`.as('sumNumber')
Hopefully I was clear enough and I appreciate your help in advance.
4 replies
DTDrizzle Team
Created by ericmartinezr on 11/29/2023 in #help
Return array when parsing a schema with drizzle-valibot
Hello guys, I just started using drizzle-valibot and I'm not able to find in their docs nor yours how to return an array when parsing a schema
// Schema
export const facturaciones = mysqlTable('...', {});
export type NuevaFacturacion = typeof facturaciones.$inferInsert;
export const nuevaFacturacionSchema = createInsertSchema(facturaciones);

// Controller
// Frontend can send many 'facturaciones', I want to parse each one of them
async guardar(@Body() facturaciones: NuevaFacturacion[]) {
// This doesn't return an array
const _facturaciones = parse(nuevaFacturacionSchema, facturaciones);
// Schema
export const facturaciones = mysqlTable('...', {});
export type NuevaFacturacion = typeof facturaciones.$inferInsert;
export const nuevaFacturacionSchema = createInsertSchema(facturaciones);

// Controller
// Frontend can send many 'facturaciones', I want to parse each one of them
async guardar(@Body() facturaciones: NuevaFacturacion[]) {
// This doesn't return an array
const _facturaciones = parse(nuevaFacturacionSchema, facturaciones);
Or do I have to iterate over the array and parse each item by myself?
Thanks in advance!
PS: I tried to add drizzle-valibot as a tag but it doesn't exist
2 replies
DTDrizzle Team
Created by ericmartinezr on 11/20/2023 in #help
How to use inner join with rqb?
Hello there! Having the following schema
export const proyectos = mysqlTable('proyecto', {
codigo: int('codigo').primaryKey()

export const plataformas = mysqlTable(
codigo: int('codigo').notNull(),
plataforma: int('plataforma').notNull()
table => {
return {
pk: primaryKey({ columns: [table.codigo, table.plataforma] })

export const plataformaMantenedor = mysqlTable('plataforma_mantenedor', {
id: int('id').primaryKey(),
nombre: varchar('nombre', { length: 25 }).notNull()

export const proyectosRelations = relations(proyectos, ({ many }) => ({
plataformas: many(plataformas)

export const plataformaRelations = relations(plataformas, ({ one }) => ({
proyectos: one(proyectos, {
fields: [plataformas.codigo],
references: [proyectos.codigo]
plataformaMantenedor: one(plataformaMantenedor, {
fields: [plataformas.plataforma],
references: []
export const proyectos = mysqlTable('proyecto', {
codigo: int('codigo').primaryKey()

export const plataformas = mysqlTable(
codigo: int('codigo').notNull(),
plataforma: int('plataforma').notNull()
table => {
return {
pk: primaryKey({ columns: [table.codigo, table.plataforma] })

export const plataformaMantenedor = mysqlTable('plataforma_mantenedor', {
id: int('id').primaryKey(),
nombre: varchar('nombre', { length: 25 }).notNull()

export const proyectosRelations = relations(proyectos, ({ many }) => ({
plataformas: many(plataformas)

export const plataformaRelations = relations(plataformas, ({ one }) => ({
proyectos: one(proyectos, {
fields: [plataformas.codigo],
references: [proyectos.codigo]
plataformaMantenedor: one(plataformaMantenedor, {
fields: [plataformas.plataforma],
references: []
This query gives me all the "proyectos" when I actually want only those that match "plataformas" with id (aka plataforma) "[10,12]" because drizzle is using LEFT JOIN to join the tables.
let s = this.db.query.proyectos
with: {
plataformas: {
with: {
plataformaMantenedor: true
where: _ => inArray(plataformas.plataforma, [10, 12])

limit: 25,
offset: 0
let s = this.db.query.proyectos
with: {
plataformas: {
with: {
plataformaMantenedor: true
where: _ => inArray(plataformas.plataforma, [10, 12])

limit: 25,
offset: 0
Is there a way to use "inner join" to filter all the rows with the inner where? I'm still learning drizzle so I may be making a mistake anywhere else. I hope I made myself clear enough (english is not my main language) Thanks in advance!
11 replies
DTDrizzle Team
Created by ericmartinezr on 11/18/2023 in #help
Relational and sql-like query apis in the same file
Hello! My first question here. Drizzle looks really cool and I'm trying to learn it. I have this scenario where I have my schema file like this
// schema.ts
export const proyectos = mysqlTable('my_table', { ... });
// schema.ts
export const proyectos = mysqlTable('my_table', { ... });
Then I use it in my service file
import * as schema from 'schema';

import * as schema from 'schema';

This works just fine but I also have the other kind of query type
But I don't like having to add schema. everytime so I specify in the import what I want exactly
import { proyectos } from 'schema'
import { proyectos } from 'schema'
This works fine but then the next stops working and it doesn't recognize it anymore
// rip
this.db.query.proyectos.findMany()... // It doesn't find 'proyectos' in 'query' anymore.
// rip
this.db.query.proyectos.findMany()... // It doesn't find 'proyectos' in 'query' anymore.
Is there a way to have both kind of queries in the same file without doing anything special?
6 replies