Created by Benno on 8/28/2024 in #help
Enforcing strict types for Hono's c.json() responses?
Is it possible to enforce strict typing for Hono's c.json() responses at a top level (hono.Handler<..>)? Currently, I can define expected response types like this:
type MyResponse = {someType: string};
type MyHandlerResponse = hono.HandlerResponse<MyResponse>;
type MyHandler = hono.Handler<any, any, any, MyHandlerResponse>
type MyResponse = {someType: string};
type MyHandlerResponse = hono.HandlerResponse<MyResponse>;
type MyHandler = hono.Handler<any, any, any, MyHandlerResponse>
This provides suggestions in c.json({...}), but doesn't raise a type error for mismatched types:
c.json('') // No type error, even though it should be an object. I get suggestions though, see video
c.json('') // No type error, even though it should be an object. I get suggestions though, see video
Hono's internal types for quick reference:
export type HandlerResponse<O> = Response | TypedResponse<O> | Promise<Response | TypedResponse<O>>;

export type TypedResponse<T = unknown, U extends StatusCode = StatusCode, F extends ResponseFormat = T extends string ? 'text' : T extends JSONValue ? 'json' : ResponseFormat> = {
_data: T;
_status: U;
_format: F;
export type HandlerResponse<O> = Response | TypedResponse<O> | Promise<Response | TypedResponse<O>>;

export type TypedResponse<T = unknown, U extends StatusCode = StatusCode, F extends ResponseFormat = T extends string ? 'text' : T extends JSONValue ? 'json' : ResponseFormat> = {
_data: T;
_status: U;
_format: F;
Example: Code:
5 replies
Created by Benno on 7/9/2024 in #help
Enforce OpenAPI types
Hey there, I'm currently working on a openapi-router package, which aims to enforce types (generated from an OpenAPI document using openapi-typescript) in the routers of web frameworks like Hono or ExpressJs. I've successfully added support for ExpressJs, as its typings are relatively straightforward. However, I'm finding the Hono types more complex, and I could use some assistance in creating the appropriate Hono types for the openapi-router package. Is it even feasible to integrate Hono's advanced typing system with openapi-router? Any guidance or tips would be appreciated. Thanks 🙂 Context: - Hono Types: - Express types for openapi-router: - Express example for openapi-router:
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