CDCloudflare Developers
Created by simontsio on 7/2/2024 in #general-help
Cloudflare with Apache virtual host
Hello everyone, I am a newbie to Cloudflare so sorry if this question is poorly structured. My problem is that I have a physical server running Apache with the virthualHost of ServerName and, I have no problem accessing from localhost, but when I try to use the Cloudflare DNS it returns "Page not found" on but works perfectly with Has anyone done a similar project that knows why this may occur?
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CDCloudflare Developers
Created by simontsio on 6/17/2024 in #general-help
Zero Trust access private network when WARP is ON
Hi, I'm a bit confused about how Cloudflare tunnels work, what I need is that a device with Zero Trust IP 100.94.0.X can connect to a device IP 198.164.0.Z that is on the same network as a server IP 198.164.0.Y running a cloudflared daemon, that works perfectly, but from my server with cloudflared daemon (198.164.0.Y) I cannot access my device 100.94.0.X. What I have discovered is that if I activate zero trust on my server (198.164.0.Y), it changes to an IP of the type (100.94.0.W), but the problem now is that from 100.94.0.X I can no longer access 198.164.0.Z. What do you recommend to achieve this?, I have reviewed the documentation but I can't find something similar. P.D: I have setup the split tunnel to not exclude the range and i have added that range to the private networks of the tunnel.
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