Overhead Tile Fade for All Tokens module update (v9 to v10, D&D 5e)
Type: Module Summary description: The module has stopped being updated, it is very simple, but I use it a lot on my table. Long description: The module stopped being updated in v9, it's very simple, but I use it a lot on my desk. It seems to have a shortcode in the repository (I don't understand programming) but I don't know how to update it. Foundry now has a new option on overhead tiles, I found it visually pollutes the map if I'm in a forest, and it sure looks heavier/slower than the way with the module I used in v9 ( It would be interesting a way for the overhead tile to disappear when the player sees a token, not just when he passes over it. Better roofs doesn't have a function like that, only if you pass underneath (but not for tokens in line of sight). (Sorry for bad English). Budget: 50€/$
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