Unable to run jupyter on custom docker image
added this inside my dockerfile:
RUN echo '#!/bin/bash \n\
echo "Starting Jupyter Lab..." \n\
cd / && \n\
conda run -n automasher jupyter lab --allow-root \n\
--no-browser \n\
--port=8888 \n\
--ip=* \n\
--FileContentsManager.delete_to_trash=False \n\
--ContentsManager.allow_hidden=True \n\
--ServerApp.terminado_settings='"'"'{"shell_command":["/bin/bash"]}'"'"' \n\
--ServerApp.token="" \n\
--ServerApp.password="" \n\
--ServerApp.allow_origin=* \n\
--ServerApp.preferred_dir=/workspace &> /workspace/logs/jupyter.log & \n\
echo "Jupyter Lab started" \n\
conda activate automasher \n\
tail -f /dev/null' > /start_jupyter.sh && \
chmod +x /start_jupyter.sh
ENTRYPOINT ["/start_jupyter.sh"]
i must be doing somethign wrong25 replies
Custom Template with Jupyter not working
hey @yoink do you think you could assist me with a similar problem? I would love to know:
1. what your dockerfile looks like (nothing specific to your project, just how you specified jupyter to be installed, if you used a runpod base image, or something like "FROM python:3.12" instead)
2. do you have a pre_start.sh and a start.sh
3. anything else you think would be helpful
thanks in advance
9 replies
PyTorch Pods never initializing - stuck waiting for logs
In Network, the browser is periodically doing a get request for each of the pod ids, i assume to get their status:
404 Not Found
404 Not Found
30 replies
•Created by zfmoodydub on 11/4/2024 in #⚡|serverless
not getting any serverless logs using runpod==1.6.2
using FROM runpod/worker-vllm:stable-cuda12.1.0
base image
2 replies
•Created by zfmoodydub on 10/24/2024 in #⚡|serverless
Worker frozen during long running process
it seems as though downgrading the package worked. thank you very much for your help
38 replies