RunPod9mo ago

Custom Template with Jupyter not working

im trying to create a custom template that use jupyter, so im referencing the way jupyter installed and start from the official stable diffusion runpod image https://github.com/runpod/containers/blob/main/official-templates/stable-diffusion-webui/Dockerfile https://github.com/runpod/containers/blob/main/container-template/start.sh and the result is the jupyter did started, but when i click the Connect button and "Connect to HTTP port 8888" button, it leads me to a login page of the jupyter notebook i noticed that the "connect to jupyter" button for the official sd runpod will lead to jupyter notebook link with token as its params (ie xxxx-8888.proxy.runpod.net/lab?token=xxxxx), but with the runpod that runs my custom image, the button only lead to xxxx-8888.proxy.runpod.net do anyone know how to solve this?
containers/official-templates/stable-diffusion-webui/Dockerfile at ...
🐳 | Dockerfiles for the RunPod container images used for our official templates. - runpod/containers
containers/container-template/start.sh at main · runpod/containers
🐳 | Dockerfiles for the RunPod container images used for our official templates. - runpod/containers
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set --ServerApp.token="" if you don't want a password
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5 Replies
digigoblin9mo ago
set --ServerApp.token="" if you don't want a password
digigoblin9mo ago
Only RunPod official templates can auto inject the token, custom templates cannot. Otherwise set the password in JUPYTER_PASSWORD environment variable.
yoinkOP9mo ago
like this?
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yoinkOP9mo ago
Thanks for helping, it works now
zfmoodydub2mo ago
hey @yoink do you think you could assist me with a similar problem? I would love to know: 1. what your dockerfile looks like (nothing specific to your project, just how you specified jupyter to be installed, if you used a runpod base image, or something like "FROM python:3.12" instead) 2. do you have a pre_start.sh and a start.sh 3. anything else you think would be helpful thanks in advance

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