Update hidden fields (Relationship)
So I have a select input that is a relation. This field is hidden or shown based on the type of the user. But when type is changed to Customer the relation, the select, should be updated. I know that the field is not being updated because it is hidden. Is their away around this?
12 replies
Dynamically load Form input into schema.
I am trying to dynamically load the schema for a tab. I will explain the behaviour I except:
- On the edit/create page for a product I can select a category that that product is in.
- A category has characteristics with a type (Number or Text for now maybe more in the future).
- After selecting the category the characteristic fields should be displayed to characteristic tabs
Does anybody know if something like this is possible?
product has a belongsToMany relation with characteristic.
The pivot table for product and characteristic has a third column for the value of that combination.
5 replies