•Created by MRiabov on 6/11/2024 in #questions
Google TPUs with Mojo language?
and why would it even matter if mojo is a standalone compiler which calls python, which calls Jax which is C++?
I mean, if Jax is a python wrapper over a default C++, and we are calling it separately from mojo, why would we bother with Mojo not having TPU support if the Jax does through the openXLA?
8 replies
•Created by Jack Clayton on 6/7/2024 in #community-showcase
MAX ⚡ with quantization and macOS support thread
If you are making changes to MAX, I also figure you might want to convince Google Cloud TPUs to support your framework when it's a little more polished - since you are some 5 times faster, it's a good deal for you since you get grand marketing and they get great speed to their framework.
6 replies
•Created by Jack Clayton on 5/10/2024 in #community-showcase
Basalt: ML Framework
about that comparison: is that pytorch running on python or is it pytorch running on mojo?
I mean, if basalt is 2x slower than pytorch on a language 5-10 times faster at least, I'd avoid it for now.
(I know there is a lot of improvement coming, but still)
33 replies
•Created by toasty on 6/2/2024 in #questions
What features or libraries are you waiting for before you start using Mojo in your domain?
no being broken, damn it. I've just wasted approx 6 hours of time trying to fix a basic import problem. Another hour fixing a for loop that doesn't work. That has happened over multiple days.
The language error module kept crashing probably couple dozens of times every day which led me to not seeing my errors.
To get an icing on the cake, no documentation.
i thought I will commit to the language, but enough is enough - it slows me down by such a margin that I'll be faster off using Python.
11 replies
•Created by MRiabov on 6/3/2024 in #questions
How to iterate through an array/list?
it's strange to me as well
7 replies