Created by Ar1k4 on 11/12/2022 in #community-help
Valorant isn't fun anymore
I know the answer to this is gonna be 'stop playing' but all my friends play so keep that in mind. I'm an s2 yoru/viper main, nowadays i mainly play viper even though i really enjoy yoru because i end up filling because of instalocks. I top frag when i go viper or yoru and i queue with my bronze 1 friend (peak b2). I constantly get smurfs and when i solo q i get people who are sometimes plat 1 (act rank) averaging in gold lobbies. I get this means i have a high mmr but i dont want that. Its not fun in that elo and i dont want to ruin the game for other people by smurfing in iron bronze and silver lobbies to have a nice time and not get people throwing or being toxic and whatnot. I need ideas to keep the game fun so i can still play with my friends without having a mental breakdown every other comp game where i get instalocks who bottom frag that force me to play someone i dont enjoy. Idk what to do because valorant is the only thing i really enjoy, generally its the highlight of my weekend (i dont play on weekdays). I dont want to rankup, i want to just play with my friends and have a nice time but it is impossible, if i play unranked i get a shit tonne of clowns just throwing then saying 'its unranked' and then comp is miserable. Any advice?
22 replies
Created by Ar1k4 on 11/1/2022 in #community-help
How much does a £35 eu giftcard give (the one on amazon) cos I want rgx katana but idk how much I need to buy
1 replies
Created by Ar1k4 on 10/6/2022 in #community-help
My Ping has changed massively recently
Before I had an average of 10 ping in london servers (I live in london) and now its low 30s high 20s? I know its a really small difference but its equal to Paris servers now which isn't normal. This doesn't have anything to do with the new update as it was happening before too and sometimes my screen freezes up and just stops working for a few seconds. Its really annoying and any suggestions would help.
12 replies
Created by Ar1k4 on 10/6/2022 in #community-help
My ping is weird EU servers
Before I had an average of 10 ping in london servers (I live in london) and now its low 30s high 20s? I know its a really small difference but its equal to Paris servers now which isn't normal. How do I fix this? BTW its not because of the new patch because it has been happening for 2 weeks now.
2 replies