Valorant isn't fun anymore
I know the answer to this is gonna be 'stop playing' but all my friends play so keep that in mind. I'm an s2 yoru/viper main, nowadays i mainly play viper even though i really enjoy yoru because i end up filling because of instalocks. I top frag when i go viper or yoru and i queue with my bronze 1 friend (peak b2). I constantly get smurfs and when i solo q i get people who are sometimes plat 1 (act rank) averaging in gold lobbies. I get this means i have a high mmr but i dont want that. Its not fun in that elo and i dont want to ruin the game for other people by smurfing in iron bronze and silver lobbies to have a nice time and not get people throwing or being toxic and whatnot. I need ideas to keep the game fun so i can still play with my friends without having a mental breakdown every other comp game where i get instalocks who bottom frag that force me to play someone i dont enjoy. Idk what to do because valorant is the only thing i really enjoy, generally its the highlight of my weekend (i dont play on weekdays). I dont want to rankup, i want to just play with my friends and have a nice time but it is impossible, if i play unranked i get a shit tonne of clowns just throwing then saying 'its unranked' and then comp is miserable. Any advice?
8 Replies
honestly, just smurf
give up on trying to fill
play different agents
try to play a different agent each game and find the one you like most (aside from viper and yoru), then try to learn that agent
but i do enjoy yoru and viper (yoru more but it is what it is)
its just taht i do everything and more than what im meant to do
but i still lose and get toxic teammates
but all that does is make more people experience what im going thru
idk how to help u dude
stop playing
try other fps games
cs go, overwatch, apex
or fps games with speed like krunker or venge
yeah ive tried man im just lost
none of my friends play any other fps'
so if i did start ow2 i would lose one of the things that make it the most fun
and nobody on ow2 uses a mic as far as im aware
do a break play other games , come nack in a half a year..
Try playing some custom games with friends, or even things like escalation and replication to get away from the toxicity of the main modes. And always remember, prioritize your happiness above all else. If Valorant isn't making you happy anymore try something else, even if your friends won't. You might even make some new friends along the way!