Shubham chugh
Shubham chugh
Created by Shubham chugh on 4/27/2024 in #❓┊help
Help Needed: Unexpected Behavior in Laravel Filament with APP_DEBUG=true
I'm encountering an issue with Laravel Filament not functioning as expected on my local development setup using Herd. I'm currently using the latest versions of Laravel 11 and Filament 3. The problem persists with APP_DEBUG=true
9 replies
Created by Shubham chugh on 2/29/2024 in #❓┊help
Laravel 11 and Filament trouble after installing
No description
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Created by Shubham chugh on 7/7/2023 in #❓┊help
spaite tags loading all tags
No description
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Created by Shubham chugh on 5/10/2023 in #❓┊help
Dynamic Route
I am trying to create a dynamic route using a permalink from the settings database through the Spaite setting package. Currently, I have attempted to use the following configuration: Set config('boilerplate.page_slug') in AppServiceProvider Route::get(config('boilerplate.page_slug') . '/{page_slug}', [PageController::class, 'show']) ->name(''); However, when I clear the cache, it defaults back to the value specified in the configuration file.
4 replies
Created by Shubham chugh on 5/3/2023 in #❓┊help
Need Help Creating a Publish At Field and Choosing a Category Package
10 replies
Created by Shubham chugh on 4/29/2023 in #❓┊help
How to Manage Post Status, Schedule, and Publish Date in Laravel Filament with WordPress-like Fun
I'm building a blog application using Laravel Filament and I need to implement a feature that allows users to manage post status, schedule, and publish date. Specifically, I want to include four status options for posts: "Pending Review", "Draft", "Publish", and "Schedule". When creating a new post, I want to show only "Pending Review" and "Draft" options in the status dropdown. After creating a post, if the post was created in the past, I want to show "Pending Review", "Draft", and "Publish" options in the status dropdown. If the post was created with a future date, I want to show "Pending Review", "Draft", and "Schedule" options in the status dropdown.
2 replies
Created by Shubham chugh on 4/28/2023 in #❓┊help
spaite tags for filaments CURD operations
5 replies
Created by Shubham chugh on 4/21/2023 in #❓┊help
Request for a solution to store only the uploaded image name in the database using Filament
Hello, I am using the FileUpload class in Filament to handle site logo file uploads on my website. I have the following code: FileUpload::make('site_logo') ->label('Site Logo') ->disk('local') ->directory('public') ->maxSize(2000) ->enableDownload() ->getUploadedFileNameForStorageUsing(function (): string { return (string) str('logo.png'); }) ->columnSpan('full') ->image(); This code stores the uploaded image with the 'public' directory included, so it is saved as 'public/logo.png' in the database. However, I only want to store the filename 'logo.png' in the database. When I remove the ->disk('local')->directory('public') lines of code, it stores only the filename 'logo.png', but the preview does not display. Do you have a solution to store only the filename of the uploaded image in the database while still displaying the preview correctly? Thank you.
6 replies