Created by RumTery on 5/5/2024 in #help
Hide private partial class/struct members
I am generating code based on a given class, this partial class contains a generated public interface and generated private members. Is it possible to hide the visibility of private members for the original non-generated class? Some code example
internal partial class IterativeSystem
public void Do(int a, ref int b)

internal partial class IterativeSystem
public void Do(int a, ref int b)

internal partial class IterativeSystem
private static Type[] _mutTypes = [typeof(int)];
private static Type[] _readTypes = [typeof(int)];
public ReadOnlySpan<Type> MutTypes => _mutTypes;
public ReadOnlySpan<Type> ReadTypes => _readTypes;

public void Update()
// __DoCall(IRuntimeContext.Current.World);

private readonly QueryDescription __DoQuery;
private void __DoCall(World world)
var query = world.Query(in __DoQuery);
foreach (ref var chunk in query)
var componentsFirst = chunk.GetFirst<int, int>();
foreach (var entityIndex in chunk)
ref var t0Component = ref Unsafe.Add(ref componentsFirst.t0, entityIndex);
ref var t1Component = ref Unsafe.Add(ref componentsFirst.t1, entityIndex);
Do(t0Component, ref t1Component);
internal partial class IterativeSystem
private static Type[] _mutTypes = [typeof(int)];
private static Type[] _readTypes = [typeof(int)];
public ReadOnlySpan<Type> MutTypes => _mutTypes;
public ReadOnlySpan<Type> ReadTypes => _readTypes;

public void Update()
// __DoCall(IRuntimeContext.Current.World);

private readonly QueryDescription __DoQuery;
private void __DoCall(World world)
var query = world.Query(in __DoQuery);
foreach (ref var chunk in query)
var componentsFirst = chunk.GetFirst<int, int>();
foreach (var entityIndex in chunk)
ref var t0Component = ref Unsafe.Add(ref componentsFirst.t0, entityIndex);
ref var t1Component = ref Unsafe.Add(ref componentsFirst.t1, entityIndex);
Do(t0Component, ref t1Component);
4 replies
Created by RumTery on 11/6/2023 in #help
Is there some standard KeyValue collection allowing adding by value and retrive by key, not dict?
Something like this
public interface IKeyd<TKey> where TKey: IEquatable<TKey>
public TKey Key { get; }
public class KeyValueCollection<TKey, TValue> where TValue: IKeyd<TKey> where TKey: IEquatable<TKey>
private Dictionary<TKey, TValue> _keyValues = new();
public void Add(TValue value)
_keyValues.Add(value.Key, value);
public bool TryGetValue(TKey key, out TValue value)
return _keyValues.TryGetValue(key, out value);
public bool Contains(TValue value)
return _keyValues.ContainsKey(value.Key);
public bool Contains(TKey key)
return _keyValues.ContainsKey(key);
public bool Remove(TKey key)
return _keyValues.Remove(key);
public bool Remove(TValue value)
return _keyValues.Remove(value.Key);
public interface IKeyd<TKey> where TKey: IEquatable<TKey>
public TKey Key { get; }
public class KeyValueCollection<TKey, TValue> where TValue: IKeyd<TKey> where TKey: IEquatable<TKey>
private Dictionary<TKey, TValue> _keyValues = new();
public void Add(TValue value)
_keyValues.Add(value.Key, value);
public bool TryGetValue(TKey key, out TValue value)
return _keyValues.TryGetValue(key, out value);
public bool Contains(TValue value)
return _keyValues.ContainsKey(value.Key);
public bool Contains(TKey key)
return _keyValues.ContainsKey(key);
public bool Remove(TKey key)
return _keyValues.Remove(key);
public bool Remove(TValue value)
return _keyValues.Remove(value.Key);
10 replies
Created by RumTery on 10/1/2023 in #help
Delegate caching. Is it safe to use or some dirty hack to avoid? (code below)
Here's some delegate caching into struct...
using System;

public class InstanceHandler<T> where T : InstanceHandler<T>
public static T _instance { get; private set; }
public InstanceHandler() => _instance = (T)this;

public readonly struct valuedelegate
private readonly Action _instAction;
public valuedelegate(Action<T> action)
T caller = _instance;
_instAction = () => action.Invoke(caller);
public void Invoke()=> _instAction();
public static implicit operator Action(valuedelegate d) => d._instAction;
public readonly struct valuedelegate<N>
private readonly Action<N> _instAction;
public valuedelegate(Action<T, N> action)
T caller = _instance;
_instAction = x => action.Invoke(caller, x);
public void Invoke(N val)=> _instAction(val);
public static implicit operator Action<N>(valuedelegate<N> v) => v._instAction;

abstract class example : InstanceHandler<example>
public void Do() { }
public void Do(int l) { }
methods m;
public class methods
public valuedelegate a = new valuedelegate((x) => x.Do());
public valuedelegate<int> b = new valuedelegate<int>((x, z) => x.Do(z));

public example():base()
m = new methods();

public void DoElse()

using System;

public class InstanceHandler<T> where T : InstanceHandler<T>
public static T _instance { get; private set; }
public InstanceHandler() => _instance = (T)this;

public readonly struct valuedelegate
private readonly Action _instAction;
public valuedelegate(Action<T> action)
T caller = _instance;
_instAction = () => action.Invoke(caller);
public void Invoke()=> _instAction();
public static implicit operator Action(valuedelegate d) => d._instAction;
public readonly struct valuedelegate<N>
private readonly Action<N> _instAction;
public valuedelegate(Action<T, N> action)
T caller = _instance;
_instAction = x => action.Invoke(caller, x);
public void Invoke(N val)=> _instAction(val);
public static implicit operator Action<N>(valuedelegate<N> v) => v._instAction;

abstract class example : InstanceHandler<example>
public void Do() { }
public void Do(int l) { }
methods m;
public class methods
public valuedelegate a = new valuedelegate((x) => x.Do());
public valuedelegate<int> b = new valuedelegate<int>((x, z) => x.Do(z));

public example():base()
m = new methods();

public void DoElse()

60 replies
Created by RumTery on 9/15/2023 in #help
Any GUI tool for editing class instance and save to JSON?
I'm creating game tutorial system and want easily edit it's states, conditions etc.. So I have some interfaces as ITutorial, IAction, ICondition, and some implementations as Tutorial, ActionFoo, ActionBar, IfFooBar etc. Is there any gui tool, where i can choose implementation of some interface, fill it's fields and save to json with appropriate class types?
7 replies
Created by RumTery on 5/6/2023 in #help
❔ Any reasons to use System.Memory<T> instead Array<T>
Just read docs about System.Memory<T>, tried it... I there any use cases where array can't do same work?
77 replies