DTDrizzle Team
Created by rfrancociavaldini on 9/16/2023 in #help
Relations include query
For example If I have the following schema: export const sales = mysqlTable("Sales", { id: int("id").autoincrement().notNull(), startingDate: datetime("starting_date", { mode: 'string'}).notNull(), expirationDate: datetime("expiration_date", { mode: 'string'}), bundleId: int("BundleId").references(() => bundles.id, { onDelete: "set null", onUpdate: "cascade" } ), }, (table) => { return { bundleId: index("BundleId").on(table.bundleId), salesId: primaryKey(table.id), } }); export const bundles = mysqlTable("Bundles", { id: int("id").autoincrement().notNull(), amount: float("amount").notNull(), name: varchar("name", { length: 255 }), }, (table) => { return { bundlesId: primaryKey(table.id), } }); I'm trying the following query and it throws me an error: await db.query.sales.findFirst({ where: eq(sales.businessUserId, id), orderBy: desc(sales.id), with: { bundles: true }, }); The error is undefined is not an object (evaluating 'relation.referencedTable'). How can I get a Sale object with it's Bundle complete object instead of only the BundleId? To avoid having to do another query.
7 replies
DTDrizzle Team
Created by rfrancociavaldini on 9/15/2023 in #help
Drizzle pagination with count
Hi, is there a way to have a paginated query that also count all posible results based on a condition? I have the following currently: const result = await db.query.businessUsers .findMany({ orderBy: businessUsers.id, limit: limit, offset: offset, where: or( like(businessUsers.id, %${text}%), like(businessUsers.name, %${text}%), like(businessUsers.subdomain, %${text}%) ), }) const count = await db .select({ count: sql<number>count(*) }) .from(businessUsers) .where( or( like(businessUsers.id, %${text}%), like(businessUsers.name, %${text}%), like(businessUsers.subdomain, %${text}%) ) ) Is there a way to do this counting without having to repeat the whole query again?
4 replies
DTDrizzle Team
Created by rfrancociavaldini on 9/13/2023 in #help
MySQL Table Schemas
I need to generate the following structure of tables: 1. Sales 2.Sales .... Currently if I use what the docs say regarding the configuration of schemas, when I run drizzle-kit generate:mysql I get the following sql file: CREATE DATABASE 127; --> statement-breakpoint CREATE TABLE 127.sales ( id int AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, double double DEFAULT 0, CONSTRAINT sales_id PRIMARY KEY(id) ); What I'm looking for is not to create a database for each tenant but only create their set of tables. This is my schema definition: import { mysqlTable, int, double, mysqlSchema } from "drizzle-orm/mysql-core"; export const mySchema = mysqlSchema("dynamic_value_here") export const sales = mySchema.table("sales", { id: int("id").primaryKey().autoincrement(), total_price_dlrs: double("double").default(0), }); export type Sale = typeof sales.$inferSelect; export type NewSale = typeof sales.$inferInsert; Could someone please help me and point me in the right direction? Thanks in advance
12 replies